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Prowling Black Cat & Woodturned Birdhouse

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Been fiddling around with wood turning lately, and I finally managed to make the first birdhouse.

Birdhouses were the reason I started experimenting with wood turning in the first place, so, after all that struggle with improper tools and improvised lathe, I'm quite satisfied to see the first result. This one is without a bird, since I already spent too much time on this new "hobby", but if everything works out, I plan to make some with birds.

I also have for sale the black cat that some of you might noticed in my gallery.

They are both on eBay: http://www.ebay.com/usr/dollhousepets

Thanks for looking :)

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That is too cute. I love that birdhouse!!! And the cat is awesome - you need to make a bird and then sell them all together.

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Thank you Chris, I'll probably add a bird if I find the time before the birdhouse sells. If it sells, since eBay wasn't so great for me in the past month.

Yes Ann, I'll probably add a bird. Combining it with the cat... I don't know... while it would make a great scene, it might turn people off because of the high combined prices. And maybe someone only wants the cat and isn't willing to pay for a birdhouse they don't need.

Thank you so much Gloria :)

LOL Holly, that's so true! Initially I planned to have a wood mouse toy for the cat to play with, like this: http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q631/micktoon/DSC00742_zpsef0f49e3.jpg

But then I thought it might take away the fierce aspect of the cat, if it goes hunting for a toy :)

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...Initially I planned to have a wood mouse toy for the cat to play with, like this: http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q631/micktoon/DSC00742_zpsef0f49e3.jpg

But then I thought it might take away the fierce aspect of the cat, if it goes hunting for a toy :)

Au contraire, cher ami! Every "domestic" cat I have ever watched is no less (or more) serious if it's stalking a toy critter than a live one.

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Ah, I LOVE the cat! He'd look perfect as the familiar in my witch's Orchid when it's done. I'll have to 'watch' the auction and buy it if it's still available after my allowance fund is refurbished.

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Thank you Cheverly! From what I see in my eBay stats, I don't think it will sell, since the pageviews are ten times lower than my usual auctions. And also it is way lower in the search results than my other minis. Maybe an eBay glitch maybe something worse, who knows. I've had a terrible month and losing the ability to sell on eBay would be the icing on the cake.

Anyway, if it doesn't sell I can reserve it for you for a while if you want. We can talk details via PM once this auction ends.

Thanks again for your interest!

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That would be fabulous!

I'm sorry to hear that you've had a rough month. As far as eBay goes, have you tried other sites like Etsy? They've got a pretty active miniature group of peeps over there, and I can't imagine that you wouldn't do extremely well. Plus it's only .20 to list for 3 (or is it 4?) months, and is much more handcrafted-art friendly.

Anyway, definitely hope the month ends on a high note for you!

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