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Oh dear! Sorry about all that Nutti!

I dunno about when they quit that behavior. My daughter is 22 and I don't see a change yet, but that's why I don't let her stay in my house and I don't let her borrow my vehicles. At all. Jimmy gave her a key to the one in Charlotte, so I put locks on my office and bedroom door because she goes there at lunch when no one is home... She has hinted repeatedly for a key to Maiden, but that is NOT happening.

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...please someone tell me...when do they stop this behavior? he will be 20 in 2 weeks.

maybe :drool:

nutti :drool:

You mean they Do stop?? :drool: j/k sweetie. I'm sorry you're having a rough day. But I'm sure everyone understands how it goes being without a car - it happens to us all sometimes.


-David ;)

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Oh Nutti...I`ll give him a smack for ya..Okay?

When a grown-up kid or almost grown up kid (aka Chelsea!) does stuff like that I call them a lil poop. Okay I dont use THAT word but you get my drift.

I dont understand kids these days (O M Gah!, are my support hose showing?) I moved out and moved in with Fred with I was 18yr and he was 21 yrs. We are still together. I never went back home. I never leeched off of my mother. She would come to visit and the first thing she did was pull out her checkbook and say "what is getting shut off?" ROFL

Sometimes I would lie and say nothing...Sometimes I would take the gift.

Hopefully he will see the light...the light of adulthood conformity!

Okay, mailcarrier is safe for another day...he can put away the mace!

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kid brought car back after post office closed

he "forgot" I wanted to go

so today Hubby bagged them all up and took them to PO

he looked like Santa with all those packages

and they are now on their way to you!

I had alot of fun doing this...well except for the glitches

and I hope yall enjoy the swaps coz some kewl stuff is comming your way soon!

nutti ;)

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Ooo! Thanks for the heads up, Nutti! I'll start the mail carrier watch :D I don't exactly attack him, but he does say that most folks don't get that excited about their mail ;)

And do convey my gratitude to "Santa" :)

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