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Feeling down got a good joke for me?


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I finally remembered something funny thats rated "G."

No offense to anyone who may be religious, (I am) but when ever I'm feeling down, I just remember the beer prayer:

Our lager which art in barrels,

Hallowed be thy drink.

Thou will be drunk at home as I am in the tavern.

Give us this day our foamy head,

and forgive us of our spillages as we forgive those who spill against us.

Lead us not into incarceration,

but protect us from hangovers.

The stout and the porter,

forever and ever, amen.

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Apparantly as a small tot I had an affinity for water. If waster was around I was into it in no time. Childhood nick name: Lynette the Wet.

True life story from the '90s. A friend was in a fairly serious accident on freeway. Upon arriving at the emergency room, the doctors assess her memory and cognition to check for a brain injury. "Who's President?" She squints, tring to come up with the name. Tenatively she answers "Hilary". The doctor smiles. "She's alrigtht!"

A guy goes to prison and is placed in a cell block of old timers. He isn't there very long when one prisoner down the block calls out "27!" The whole cellblock breaks out in laughter.

A little while later someone calls out "16!" Again, chortles and gaffaws.

This happens several more times.

Confused, the new guy asks the prisoner in the next cell "What's going on" The old timer tells him that they've been there so long that all the prisoners know all the jokes, so they''ve numbered them to save time.

"Can I tell one?" he asks. The other inmate tells him to go ahead.

"12!" he calls out.

Dead silence.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Well some people can tell them and some people can't"

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An administrator, a doctor and a politician are arguing about who has the oldest profession. The doc says well must be me, as it says in the Bible, God made woman from Adam's rib, since this is a surgical procedure, medicine is the oldest profession. The administrator says no mine is older than that as it says in the Bible, out of chaos came order, so administration is the oldest profession. The politican just smiled and said - who do you think created the chaos?

With best wishes from Dumbah Battybrains

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