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CraftyGramZ last won the day on May 6 2018

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About CraftyGramZ

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  • Gender
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    Fort Mohave, AZ
  • Interests
    Miniatures, quilting

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  • Dollhouse Building Experience
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    United States

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  1. Yes it is. My last dollhouse, I had painted a pretty blue but it just did not suit it so I repainted it yellow and white. Made such a difference. These stores will have several colors besides the trim. Just when I think I have it I change my mind again!
  2. Flagstaff is about 300 miles, I think, too far for me to travel now. I used to love to go to Prescott. They have quite a few old buildings but again too far for me to travel. Thank goodness for the internet. It is now my traveling companion.
  3. Thank you Shannon. The original Houseworks pic is the style I am wanting. Just kind of hard to determine the correct colors so they look like old buildings. Holly, I wish, my town does not have anything to offer in the way of beautiful old buildings, In my traveling days I found so many old towns with beautiful buildings. Most were antique shops and I was in heaven while visiting them. Always searching for miniatures. Fairhope looks like a fun place to shop. I have found a few other old towns online but again, it is hard to determine just the right colors. My kits won't arrive for a week or so and I am really antsy to get started. The largest one will be my art gallery. I am shrinking my own art for display. I have already worked on one but used an old tabletop greenhouse and not happy with it. The bump out one will be a clock shop and I haven't figured out what kind of shop for the corner store. I already have a bakery, a doll shop, a teddy bear shop and a really large dress/hat shop, so need something else. Was going to add some pictures but not sure how to post them here. It has been a while and I remember something about size. I forgot how I shrunk them here. Pati
  4. Looking for anyone that has completed this set of three shops? I found a few posts from 2010 but only the one recent by Bluestocking . I have drooled over these for many years and finally bit the dust and bought the set of three. I have searched the internet for inspiration as to paint colors pretty much in vain. I only found two posts here in the gallery and love the one by Bluestocking that looked antique. They look so wonderful I can't believe there aren't more pics of them completed. I have searched just for pics of store fronts. but am still hoping a few others here have completed this set. Hope you all have been well during these trying times. Miniatures have certainly been a wonderful diversion.
  5. Thank you Kathie, I checked out your blog only to find that I have you bookmarked and have spent many hours reading your posts. Lots of great information there.
  6. Holly, not understanding what you mean? All electric tape has already been either painted over, wallpapered over or in the case of the ceilings covered with glued down (up) faux ceiling tiles. I think I will just leave the faux tile up rather than get myself into a real fix. If I ever do another house build I will use fake floors and wire the chandeliers up through the ceiling. May even use fake walls so that all wiring could be accessed by simply sliding them out.
  7. Thanks Holly, I knew hot glue was bad for any construction but didn't think the ceiling design would matter. It was really a ton of work to make it. I did the design on 12x12 cardstock and then used Aleen's Tacky glue to adhere it to the ceiling. I wonder if I should try to take it off. Not sure what that would do to the tape wire underneath it though! Jolene, I think the glue that I used that melted the wires a few years back was Beacon contact cement Quick Grip? Not sure. Have you ever used Quick Grip or is there another contact cement that is better?
  8. Thanks, what a great idea. That may be the way to go. I think I would like a white porch just didn't know what to do with those grooves. You wouldn't happen to know the best way to secure those chandeliers would you? I know you helped me quite a bit a few years ago when a friend gifted me a falling apart dura craft dollhouse. Didn't think I would ever work on another and I have no idea where I am going to put this Lady.
  9. I certainly am not fond of electrifying. It is a pain and expensive to boot. Hopefully someone else can solve that problem for me. To make matters worse, I used Caroline's (Cinderella Moments) hot glue method to make faux tin ceilings and didn't think ahead to leave a flat circle for the light fixture to glue to. I'll have to figure out how to rectify that too! thanks again for the tip on the porch.
  10. Thanks, what a great idea. That may be the way to go. I think I would like a white porch just didn't know what to do with those grooves. You wouldn't happen to know the best way to secure those chandeliers would you? I know you helped me quite a bit a few years ago when a friend gifted me a falling apart dura craft dollhouse. Didn't think I would ever work on another and I have no idea where I am going to put this Lady.
  11. I am working on a kit that My two daughters bought me last month for this Christmas, a RGT Painted Lady dollhouse . I have been stuck at home since last March so this was to help keep me busy. The last dollhouse I made I had problems with the ceiling and wall lights falling off. I remember I tried some solvent glue that melted the wiring and ruined some lights but I can't remember the name of it, don't want that to happen again. It is very dry here so things like museum wax dries out. The little sticky disk doesn't hold well either. I can't put the wires up through the ceiling as the floor above is carved into the wood itself. I have an electric outlet to plug in the light on the ceiling but wanted to know what you all use to hold the light up there securely. Second question: I scored and stained all the floors without realizing the the front porch was part of the floor. I don't like the way the porch looks and would like to do something else with it, any ideas would be a great help. Thanks in advance. You guys are so knowledgeable. Picture just shows where I am now on putting it together. .
  12. Katie, I have the Victorian VH-600. It looks just like the farmhouse except that it has a tower. The window panes are 2 3/16 x 4 9/16, if that is any help to you. A picture of the Victorian VH-600 is in my gallery.
  13. The original of that one (16x20) hangs in my living room. It is my husbands favorite painting.
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