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About Annette

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    Canonsburg, PA

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    United States

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  1. It's been tooo long since I've been here. RL just keeps getting in the way. Hope you all have been well, I am, to a point. If you all remember I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety earlier this year, well the meds that they put me on worked mostly and they took me off of it in August (so I wouldn't get addicted). So of course everybody heard that and started their same old you-know-what again (mainly the in-laws). I stopped that real quick by telling them that if they would quit sticking their noses where they don't belong I wouldn't have been like that in the first place, but that's a whole other story. The kids are doing great in the cyber school, they're in their second year. Chris is in 8th grade and bringing in straight A's and Amber is in 1st and is picking up everything like a sponge. I am so proud of both of them for working so hard. I'm slowly working on my minis again ( yay!), I'm making good progress on my laurel-primrose, the siding is taking a little longer then I hoped but hey at least I'm doing something. My dear DH Greg has totally taken over the garfield addition, he told me the only thing I need to do with it is decorate it when he gets done. I can't wait. Well that's enough for now, I have to go get ready to head to my brother's for christmas eve dinner, so I'll talk to you all later. Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday! Merry Christmas
  2. Not really any exciting plans here. Greg's off on Friday and my in laws just came back from vacation so they said that the missed the kids and invited them to stay over starting today, if I allowed them. So I'm just planning a nice peaceful weekend and possibly working on my dh's while Greg does whatever he wants (probably sleep if I know him ).
  3. Gina those are some beautiful pieces that you got, congratulations on a great find.
  4. That's what I'm trying to do with all my stuff, even the things I already have in houses. I have a big rubbermaid container that holds all my furniture and the little things are in a box that I also put in there. I have some things that are just sitting because I never got around to putting them in the box. The main reason I want to make a list, even the things in the houses, is because I don't know what I have and there may be something in a house that would look better in another one.
  5. That's the main reason the doctor tested me first for everything, just to make sure. He knew that everytime I have had a lot of stress I would have chest pains. To calm down I would go and work on my dh's. But for some odd reason I just lost interest in any of my hobbies at the end of last year (around November), that's what really started Greg to worry about me. He always knew I was happy even when I talked about them and I totally stopped everything. So it was his suggestion that I go and see the doctor. At first I wasn't sure if I should but now I'm glad I did. I have only been on this medicine for 1 week but I see at slight improvement already, that is I haven't been hiding in the bedroom crying for no reason. Maybe it is mind over matter at work, I know I'm taking medicine and I WILL get better. Only time will tell for sure.
  6. I'll also be saying prayers for Dan and your whole family Irene.
  7. Ellen, I just know you will make it though these hard times. I will be thinking of you and keep you in my prayers.
  8. Thanks for all the support and hugs, just coming on here and talking to all my friends again definitely helped. I go back in 4 weeks so I'll mention to him to see if he thinks I'm going to need the blookwork to check everything regularly, thanks for the heads up Heidi. As for the talk therapy he did tell me that and a couple other treatments that we could do if the pills aren't enough. So I'll see how the next few weeks pan out on them, to give them time to start getting into my system, and go from there. I have alot of support here at home and they always sit and listen to me when I start babbling on, that helps also. I will keep you all posted on how everything is going. Thanks again for everything.
  9. Annette

    Lost and Found

    Deb I'm so sorry to hear about Bruce and I know that the two of you will get through this. As for you I'm happy that you found a doctor that was able to figure out what was wrong. I agree with the others I know you will mini again. My dad has very servre rheumatoid arthritis, he has had it for almost 25 years if not longer. When it first hit him he couldn't even get out of bed. But with all the new meds that are out there, I know you will be back to your old self again. Sending big hugs and positive thoughts to you and Bruce.
  10. As some of you know I haven't been around much because I just haven't been feeling well. I just really haven't been myself for the past 3 or 4 months, not wanting to be on the computer, not working on my dh's, nothing. I just be sitting in bed except for doing school lessons with the kids. Well I have being seeing the doctor for all that time, being poked and hooked up to machines. I felt like a human pin cushion for a while there. He was looking to make sure that nothing was wrong with the major organs first as a precaution (you know heart, kidneys, all that good stuff). Well after all the testing and sitting down with me and Greg and just talking about everthing I was diagnosed with depression and anixeity. That will make you feel like your having a heart attack or other medical problems which is why he wanted to check to make sure it wasn't really anything else. So he put me on Paxil(sp?) and told me to keep myself busy with my hobbies (painting ceramics and dh's) and to get alot of 'me' time. I have a way to go to be back to 100%, but hopefully with this medicine I'll get there, I just have to keep thinking positive. That's what been going on with me, thanks for listening and it's good to be back here talking to all my friends.
  11. Sending prayers and hugs to Suzanne and her family. Thanks for posting the link Heidi, will be keeping them in my thoughts.
  12. Happy belated birthday, Dean.
  13. Kathie, I'm so happy to hear that you and Lloyd got some good news. I be will keeping the both of you in my prayers and thinking of you.
  14. I don't think anyone has anything planned for me, which is fine. I'd like just a nice peaceful day with a 'happy mother's day' from the kids and that's it. Greg will probably make a nice dinner but not really sure what though. For his mom just a card and flowers, she's really hard to buy for.
  15. I just wanted to drop in and say "Hi" to everyone, I've missed you all the past few months. I've been dealing with some health issues and just didn't have time to do much of anything besides doing school lessons with the kids then I would just go and hibernate in bed. I'm getting better slowly day by day and the doctor is very happy with that. The only thing I did like is that I lost some weight, not alot, but enough to make a difference in the way my clothes fit . I can't wait to get back to my dh's and to see what everyone here has been doing. 'See' you guys later.
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