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MicroJivvy last won the day on October 21 2013

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About MicroJivvy

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Florida, USA
  • Interests
    Teeny-tiny, itty-bitty things.


  • Member Title
    Make Mine MicroMini

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  • Dollhouse Building Experience
    Five or more
  • Country
    United States

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  1. This is just fantastic! I love both the creative idea (wonderful) and the execution -- NICELY DONE!!
  2. O.M.G., I love your Office Room Box -- and the lights look fantastic. Given the eyelets are not brass, I'm wondering if you used some sort of CA glue last time (like SuperGlue or Zap-A-Gap)... I've had some success using it to marry metal and wood in low stress situations. Oh, and I just thought of another project where I used Gorilla Glue to marry wood and metal (not that I'm recommending it for your project -- Gorilla Glue can go wrong so quickly and then it's a tough clean up). I was gluing wood to an Altoids tin: http://www.microjivvy.com/wood-metal-and-the-glue-that-binds-them
  3. I don't know about Greenleaf, but a lot of online retailers start their biggest sales on "Cyber Monday" -- which is the Monday after Black Friday. ;)
  4. What kind of metal are the eyelets? I'm going to guess brass, but that's just because, in my experience, it is the toughest metal to glue. The first thing I would do is take a rough grit sandpaper to the metal areas to be glued -- to give the glue more to grab. And, yep, I know how hard it is to sand a piece that small. I've had mixed experiences with JB Weld and have never tried LePages Metal Epoxy... in general, I find epoxies work better in tough situations and I would lean toward that being the better choice. Others who have actually used it may disagree (or agree!).
  5. The house is just absolutely lovely and the duplicator tool is VERY VERY cool.
  6. The sugar crystals are a product called "Crystal Snow" -- it's an ultra fine glitter most likely found in the scrapbooking aisle of your local craft store. ;)
  7. As promised, here are the gumdrops -- approximately 150 of them. They are easy to make, but tedious! Roll out a skinny snake of clay, roll the tip in Crystal Snow, cut off the tip, reform the snake so that it again has a tip, roll that tip in Crystal snow, cut off the tip... repeat 150 times and bake.
  8. MicroJivvy


  9. I've made some paper 1/1728 houses... and no, I don't finish them, either.
  10. Whenever we take one of our cats to the vet, someone always mentions going to get "tutored." Doesn't matter why we're taking them, it's just kind of a rule that someone has to say it.
  11. I'm currently in pre-bake production mode (I'm not firing up the toaster oven until all of them can go in -- they'll certainly fit, lol), but after I get them baked, I'll fire up the macro function on my camera and take some pics. ;)
  12. The wee little gumdrops are less than 1/12th of an inch... because they're so incredibly wee, I'm not being particularly careful in shaping them... somewhat careful, but not particularly... but I am giving care to getting the texture right (the first set I made were failures). I've added quite a bit of translucent clay to the mix and now they're looking better.
  13. I'm a cat person through and through, but I think it's hysterical (and definitely a photoshop job).
  14. Thank you, all -- I like him, but I do see room for improvement. Although, right now I'm a bit side tracked with planning a gingerbread house (making wee little gum drops tonight). @Dalesq, I have a collection of folksy and "ye olde" santas (not miniatures)... I love the look.
  15. I've been to the summer program (in Castine, Maine) twice -- AWESOME. Both times I took silver classes with Pete Acquisto (there were no 1/144 classes at the time). Nell Corkin (instructor for the 1/144 class) is also AWESOME. . here's her blog: http://nell-miniminis.blogspot.com/
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