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Wallpaper Samples


I've just purchased the last remaining wallpapers for the house. Now it's just a matter of finishing the exterior and hard wiring the ceiling lights- I'm not sure how to do that. And how the heck am I going to fit wallpaper behind the stairs. So many questions...

From the album:

The Lily- A Strange House

· 117 images
  • 117 images
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I've watched your progress with this house and I really like how its turning out. The white rooms really do give it the extra oomph so don't feel compelled to wallpaper every room, its lovely as it is.

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I've watched your progress with this house and I really like how its turning out. The white rooms really do give it the extra oomph so don't feel compelled to wallpaper every room, its lovely as it is.

So true! This is quite the unusual house! Very nice! :wave:

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