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Wallpaper paste

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I use regular premixed wallpaper paste from the hardware store.  Having papered the walls in a couple of 1:1 size houses, I apply the paste to the back of the paper, carefully line the top of the sheet along the ceiling, and smooth it as I go, bringing it down to cover the wall.  I paper my walls before I install doors and windows; once the paper has dried I carefully cut just next to the opening, and when I install my windows and doors I glue the trims and have a lovely neat papering job.

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I also use wallpaper/border paste from the hardware store but I apply it to both the wall and the wallpaper 

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I also use regular 1:1 wallpaper paste, applying it to the wall and the wallpaper.  This allows you to easily reposition the paper by sliding it gently.  Sometimes I use a small wallpaper border brayer to smooth the paper out, or a credit card, or a piece of sponge.  Wallpaper can bubble a little after application, but this should disappear when dry.  I did use dollhouse wallpaper paste when I first began decorating dollhouses, but the 1:1 paste is just as good, and not as expensive!  

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