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Took the side wings off

Just One More

This house is just too big for me to handle even thought it's not heavy. The main house section is still bigger than the Willow which has been my biggest house so far. I'm changing the front lower windows to the one in the picture. I have one of the four posts set up to see how it will look. The upstairs windows will be just framed with a thin piece of wood dividing them in the middle and the shutters. So there will be a large living room with room for a dining table and chairs. A large kitchen, even with the stairs in that room. A large bedroom with the porch. A small bathroom to the left of the stair area, and two large rooms in the attic. Plenty big enough for me. I have a lot of patching to do where the doors to the extensions go so I'll either use plaster or siding.

From the album:

Artply Worthington

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