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Kitchen floor (partly done)


Here's the kitchen floor--I grossly underestimated the amount of tiles I'd need, so I have to go to AC Moore again, but I'm quite pleased with how it's turning out. Victorian kitchens weren't really redecorated, or kept fancy, since no one but servants would be seeing them, so I didn't want the tiles to be perfectly aligned. The tiles will eventually be grouted, but not glazed or sealed or anything.

From the album:

Duracraft Marquam Hill Mansion

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Thanks! These are the tiles that come loose in 50 pieces/bag, as opposed to the ones already laid out on backing. The ones already on backing were too uniform for me; I like how some of these have different shading on them. It almost simulates normal wear and tear. Now, when I get to the bathroom, *those* tiles are going to be gorgeous, aligned, and perfect!


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