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Please help me

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Hello everyone,

My name is Thierry OERTHER, and I am a retailer of dollhouse miniatures in France. I run the online store miniaputiens.com, where I offer a wide range of high-quality miniatures at a 1:12 scale.

I am very interested in adding Greenleaf dollhouses to my catalog, but despite my numerous attempts to contact Greenleaf via their contact email (five attempts so far), I have not received any response.

I am reaching out to this wonderful community to seek your help. Does anyone have information on a person in charge of international business at Greenleaf? Perhaps a name or a valid email address that I could use to get in touch with them directly?

Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your help and time!

Best regards,



P.S. This is for wholesale purchasing for resellers in FRANCE

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Thanks for posting. I'll forward this to Greenleaf's management, to make sure they see it.

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