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Its a rainy dark day here, so I brought in this chandelier for light, but I would like to find a double hanging ceiling fixture with amber glass in 1/6 scale similar to something you would see hanging above a very ritzy billiard table , Again, my husband says I need to learn more about James Bond he is ex military and would not have candles and mirrors [ it all I have to work with at the moment LOL ]

From the album:

1/6 scale house

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Tell your husband part of James Bonds persona is to be a romantic. Anything to woo a woman into his arms. Tell him the chip in the lamp shade is from one of many "visits" to James office. He just has a very good decorator.

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James Bond would live in either his family home passed down to him for generations or purchased tastefully decorated home as befitting his position... he has good taste and flair...you do as your please and smile and nod at hubby...beside the trophy wife would never allow a room without a mirror to see herself in ;)

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