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Jo Med

This is Matty a rather mousey little lady. She has just got up, grabbed a coffee and her dollshouse magazine and is wandering off to find a quite corner until she can face the world. She's shortsighted so keeps her glasses on a chain round her neck.

From the album:

Minis I've made

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gawd woman you are cranking them out!!! fabulous!!!! you really need to go into business!!! :D

the look on her face says it all :p

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Thanks Linda, as I do more, it gets easier and I enjoy it more so I may make more dolls and who knows, if I can't find a home for them all, they may just go on e-bay. Trouble is, I get attached to each one and don't want to part - bit like a kid really.

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Jo,shame she doesn't understand that dowdy is merely a state of mind,all in the way one percieves and carries themselves.She seems sad......she has a beautiful face !!! :)

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