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Finally Floor! (or soon...)

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Hello ladies!

I hope all is going well for all! I was distracted for a while, busy with other things. But I am back and hoping to get that darn door on by July 4th so I can decorate. I bought the backup boxed Harrison kit primarily for the door (@havanaholly) lol!

But the floor... which way should the planks go? Towards the tower or the door? I was told that the seams are pretty unsightly. I got the parquet edging to extend the floor I bought, but I think it's too much.

Any tips for laying the floor of the tower? 

Also here is my bathroom wallpaper and paint! So excited about that. But still plastering. Always plastering!

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.






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Love the wallpapers!  An advantage of growing up when & where I did was watching houses being built  in the neighborhood.  Floorboards are laid across the joists supporting the framework for the base, so imagine how you'd stick-build your house and lay the floors accordingly.  I use iron-on wood veneer I cut into strips and then "board lengths, so my floors generally run parallel to the open edge, since it's easier for me to get my iron in and press my floors into place that way.

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22 hours ago, havanaholly said:


Hi Holly! Thanks so much. Your answer is exactly what I thought and had planned. I live in an old house, and we did a renovation about 20 years ago. That's how our floors run, as you describe so clearly. I will have to seam the Harrison floors because the length of the house is too long...and there's the tower area. I think the parquet edge is too much.

Thanks about the wallpap[er. No I need to find flooring for the bathroom lol! And towel bars and commode...I ordered a tub.
Thanks again for all!

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If you don't mind the Victorian vibe, Chrysnbon makes a really great bathroom kit.  I used one in my Glencroft pub;

KathieB's views:  the bathroom

being as it's a pub, I had a blast mking the fixtures appropriately grotty (ew).  I made my rowel bars from pointed toothpicks and seed beads; the Chrysnbon versions were just too delicate!

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Thanks for the kind words and input! Yes, I will definitely do the flooring the longways, and skip the parquet. I will live with the seams.
@havanaholly so funny that you mention Chrysnbon! I have misplaced a Chrysnbon glass cloche and candle I've had for 40 years, and now I find that it is $48 on eBay! I hope it will show up. I am usually very careful with the tiny things. But so tiny...

Here are some pictures of the house a little dressed up. Still missing windows, doors and floors. I finally got the front door to fit though! We have guests for 2 weeks, so not much work will get done during that time.

Warmest regards to all!


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