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Holly Ann Dollhouse by Melissa and Doug

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Hello all,

Wanted to briefly introduce myself: TraceyB in San Antonio, TX. I bought a floor model of the Holly Ann Dollhouse (now out of commission?) by Melissa and Doug online from Miniature Designs and had it shipped to me in Rochester, NY. where the house sat untouched. I brought it along on my recent move to San Antonio, and after some health issues, decided life was to short to wait any longer. Having a lot of fun learning how to finish the exterior and interior. I started with trial and error and am learning a lot through blogs, YouTube and now the Forum.

2024 was also my first visit to Chicago for the Tom Bishop show, which I attended ages ago as a child.

Glad to be here,


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Welcome to the little family, Tracey.  I've rehabbed kit houses tht were built with hot glue, basically taking them apart and scraping off t=all the globs of hot glue and rebuilding them with carpenters' wood glue, so I'll be interested to follow your rehab.  When you have made five posts you can make an album of "before", "during" and "after" photos of your rehab.

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