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20111216 rearviewcandyshop dispshelving


Luckily for our sanity, my daughter and I have been making mini food for years, the sweeter and more indulgent the better—so when it came time to stock this shop, we didn't have to craft things from scratch, just pull out all our boxes of goodies that have no home, and raid the other dollhouses, for our best, shopworthy goods. Now everything not only has a home but a real showcase—it's a wonder we never thought of doing this before!!<div><br></div><div>And speaking of showcases, the display shelving you see here is from MyTinyWorld, known as dollshousesuppliers on ebay. I can't recommend them highly enough. Great products for retail spaces, especially if you've tired of the VIctorian-revival shelving that everyone and their uncle offers for sale.</div><div><br></div><div>Though I'm in the U.S. and they're in the U.K., they were able to get my order to me miraculously quickly—I hadn't even started to look for it in the mail yet and it was already here. I also bought some darling ceramic plates from them and the tall 3-tiered stands that you see at the corners of the shelving unit—all more gorgeous than described and perfectly suited to this project. (Did I mention reasonably priced? Yep, that too. Boy, I should get a commission for this endorsement, ha ha!)</div>

From the album:

2011 HBS Creatin' Contest: Revolution Avenue, Thorny Coast, ME

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