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20111023 garage candyshop modsetback


The floorplan of HBS' Fascination Station is simple, but huge (at least, in comparison with a lot of miniatures being mass-produced today. We were able to carve a bathroom out of the main room and still have tons of space for the surf shop, and on the left (as you look at it from the front), we decided to modify the kit again and give the area that would have been the gas station's office a nice setback. The resulting room is still generously sized.<div><br></div><div>Here, the mod begins... the "office" front has been sawn to detach it from the rest of the front, and the floor and roof have been routed out for the new setback and filled in with wood putty to disguise the original channels. The new setback adds a lot of visual interst to what otherwise threaten to be a large flat expanse of wall, wall, and more wall.</div>

From the album:

2011 HBS Creatin' Contest: Revolution Avenue, Thorny Coast, ME

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