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4/15/06, upholstering armchairs



I began with two stacks of plywood "easy" chair pieces (they are, if you don't try to upholster them so they look like nice furniture) and two stacks of posterboard and foam chair backs, seats and inner "wings". There is an art to making one polyester tie cover two chairs like this. The one I used for the Haunted House chair & sofa was a lock-gate pattern with trees, etc, so very random. The one I've chosen for these chairs has a striped pattern with flowers in shades of brown with a blue stripe, very classy-looking.

The first thing I did after flattening out the tie fabric and cutting off the linings at both ends was to begin with the narrow end and cut the inner "wings' " fabric and clip the curves and glue it to the card side and clamp it until dry. I did remember to cut a right piece and a left piece for each chair (we won't go into how I've learned over the years to do this :blink: ).

Next I cut out the fabric pieces for the chair backs and seats. Then I cut out the pieces to cover the lower fronts. Then I cut the remaining tie into two pieces that should, if I figured correctly, cover the back & sides of each chair.

Next I lay chair backs in the gluing jig and assembled the seats & sides. When they are dry I shall attach the bottom fronts and begin gluing fabric to them. For the present I am waiting for the glue to dry on the padded pieces I've glued so I can complete gluing all of them.

When I glue the fabric to the outside of the chairs' sides & backs I shall fold the excess over the top & under the bottom and glue it. Then I shall fold the sides of the bottom front fabric and glue it to the sides to cover the lapped excess fabric; I'll glue the top edge onto the front of the seat and the bottom under the bottom front & glue it. Lastly I shall glue & clamp the padded pieces in place.

Because this is taking up most of my work space, I'll wait until the chairs are done to begin the bed (& bedside table).




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