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Ms. Mini Picture 3

Mini Man

Name of Entry: "The Tunnel of Love"


The room box is of a river surrounded by green mountain sides. In the center is a stone tunnel weathered with time with mossy vines and flowers growing over it. There are green lily pads with turtles floating on top of them, and swimming past them are 2 beautiful white swans. About to go into the "tunnel of love" is a young newly wed couple in a small paddle boat, with their "just married" sign and cans and bottle on strings floating behind them.


Once upon a time in a far away country, there were two young lovers named Hunter and Annabelle. She the daughter of the king and he a common farmer had fallen madly in love a few years back. With the quite blessing of her father they snuck off to a deep valley where they peaceful wed by the river. After they shared vows and kissed in joy they set voyage on a small paddle boat. They had no destination in mind, they simply just floated along, rowing by the strength of their love. A few miles down the river they came upon a old stone tunnel shaped as a heart. Hunter and Annabelle had no idea what awaited for them at the other side of the tunnel, but they floated right into it with smiles on their faces and their eyes twinkling with love.

/index.php?showuser=505" target="_blank">Ms. Mini

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2007 Spring Fling Contest

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