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Cynthia Howe Elaborate Carved Antique Clock Kit


As you can see, I've altered the kit a little bit :). I just got rid of the three little wood pieces at the bottom, didn't use the graphic provided and painted it red (Games Worskop "Gore red" mixed with some Prince August yellow, used very diluted and very lightly applied on the laser-cut carving, and a little less diluted on the other parts). The clock face is lovely, it has a clear little dome on it and a little gold metal crown on the surrounding. I painted this last part red too as it attracted too much attention :). Only thing that disturbs me a little is that the clock face has "quartz" written on it :D. Not very victorian, but less say little steampunkinsh-inspired people here have discovered quartz movement already (1927 for first quartz clock according to wikipedia, not that bad, in fact). Plus it's normally an american clock but this one says "Paris", oh well, after all, I've completely altered the kit, so let it be made in Paris, why not.

I love the musical instrument shape it has without the bottom part, it reminds me a little of a violin (ok of a cello but that's because I'm completely biased as a cello player :D).

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Red bedroom

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