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Violet Chaise Lounge


It's been way too long since I dressed furniture and I'm a little rusty but this is a special piece for a special friend.

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From the album:

Living Room and Parlor Furniture

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Ooooo la la !! This is absolutely gorgeous! That tiny piping must have been tricky.

This would make a lovely boudoir setting with the light purple and lace chair a few pictures down the row here.

Lucky special friend to get a Deb original. <whistle, whistle>

I think I've seen that fabric somewhere ... Is it from a quilting shop?

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Yep, the fabric is a teeny print that I found at a quilt shop.  It probably looks familiar because I used the same fabric for the living room set I dressed for the last Rosedale I built.  I don't often use the same fabric more than once but the person I made this for loves violets so it was the obvious choice for her.  

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