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Jackie Picture 2

Mini Man

My entry is called Lullaby Love. The arbor is nestled in the willow tree. Actually, Grandmother Willow (the spirit of the tree) has grown the Heart Arbor to shelter and cradle the little fairy family. Fairy Blossom rocks Baby Fairy Petal and croons, "Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop ..." while baby settles for her nap. Brother Twig contemplates the delicious fresh pea on a leaf - his lunch - while waiting for his mother to join him. The mushroom table is set with a home-made seed cake, and hot forget-me-not tea in the pot. Family love and harmony - all within the loving, protective circle of Grandmother Willow.

/index.php?showuser=750" target="_blank">Jackie

From the category:

2007 Spring Fling Contest

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