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Anna picture 3

Mini Man

Well here is my entry "Good neighbours"

MZ Kitty Meouwe lives next door to a Mr Hound Dough who truly lives in a "Dog house" while Mz Kitty enjoys gardening and taking care of her little ones. Today she has been out caring for one the little ones who is scared of something that is hiding beneath the bushes and growling, wonder who that oculd be???? She also found a lovley balloon out there that she cut loose and brought in with her.

She is preparing some tea for the kitties but has stopped up for a while to straighten out the whiskers and add some "eau de fishies" as well just after taking out the scratch proof tea pot...

H Dough has some friends over and are eagerly awaiting Junior finishing his bath after having been rolling around in the newly fertilized flower beds next door so that they can all dig in the B-day cake allready awaiting them. The favourite slipper plates are allready in on the sofa and the "guys" have gone through the latest "pup magz" and are now discussing the new editions of tennisballs, they do vote for keeping them in their favourite birhgt yellow colour as that is so much easier on the eyes compared to the manufacturers proposition to change them into blues or greens... They will encourage all doggies to go vote as well....


From the category:

2008 Spring Fling Contest

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