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Step 1 Plan where everything will go



Step 1 - Plan where the tape wire, junction splice, and lights will go

While the house is being "dry fit" (where you assemble the house holding it together with masking tape instead of glue), determine where the lights will go. If your dollhouse is already permanently built, this step would be done before adding wallpaper, flooring or the final coat of paint on the walls.

  • Determine where on the dollhouse you want to put the junction splice.

    The junction splice should be placed in an area that will allow easy access and clearance for the lead in wire to attach to the splice. Typically junction splices are installed several inches from the bottom of the house at either the side or back (for back open houses). For front open houses, the junction splice is put in the back of the house. Make a small mark (on paper or on the house) where the junction splice will go.

    • Determine where on the dollhouse you want to run the tape wire.

      The tape wire can be placed in an inconspicuous location. You can place the tape wire under the house (usual location) or along the back of the house (for a front opening house). If you place the tape wire under the house, run a little bit of it up the side or back to connect with the junction splice. Make a small mark (on paper or on the house) where the tape wire will be placed.

      • With the dollhouse in front of you, and pencil and paper, label or number each room.

        Examine each room to determine where the lights will go. Sketch the room on paper marking the placement of lights. This sketch will serve as your blueprint for later steps. It will also be kept with the house as a permanent record of the wiring diagram.


      Mark with an X on the walls where you want each light/outlet/sconce to go.

      With pencil, lightly make an X marking where each light will be attached to the wall. Then carefully look at the room and determine where you will want to run the wires to connect to the main tape wire. Lightly draw a line (or use masking tape) to indicate where the wires will be run to connect to the tape wire. If the wires are to go through ceilings, walls or floors, make a mark (like a circle) to indicate a hole to be drilled and continue the line on the other side. These lines will be your guidelines for making grooves where the wires will lay.


      Determine what wires will need to be lengthened.

      During the initial planning stages where you make the lines for the wires for each light, determine if the wires that come with the lights are long enough or if they will need to be lengthened. Note this on a separate piece of paper so you can work on lengthening the lights (this step is discussed further down in the tutorial).

      Now that you have your lighting diagram made and your lighting locations all planned, it's time to move to step 2, gathering the materials you need.


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