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How many still in box


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lol it was so much fun reading this thread. I feel so much better now about just wanting a bunch of houses in my mind. I have so many unopened boxes in there that its crazy. I have to let my husband see this thread so he knows Im not alone in being a house fanatic.

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I was going to count Marg's kits, but my brain got tired and then my calculator started to spit blue sparks. Now that's a collection that is nothing less than awe inspiring.

same here!!!! :hide:

Its every collectors dream.. well at least mine.. to have all the kits i want :ohyeah:

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Hey, Greg, the one who dies with the most toys, wins!

now, now. that implies something negative :p I do it because i enjoy collecting them. Having them is fun to me and it's a hobby. I don't look at it as I have more than others. :ohyeah:

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Under construction: Beacon Hill

In da box: White Orchid, Orchid, RGT General Store, Houseworks Conservatory,

En route: Chantilly and Diana from our beloved Tracy

On the wish list? Yeah I can't count that high :ohyeah:

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Well Wolfie padded on down to the stone-cold basement just now and took an inventory of what she has hanging around - waiting to be built or finished.....and this is her list......

A partially finished McKinley (still looking for the missing pieces somewhere in a box in the basement....I'll find them when we move!

A DuraCraft Lafayette - with one wall completed!

A Garfield in the box, with the base and stairs put together.......

A Harrison unopened

An Arthur - unopened

A Whitney by Artply

Plus the Pierce which I am working on!


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Well Wolfie padded on down to the stone-cold basement just now and took an inventory of what she has hanging around - waiting to be built or finished.....and this is her list......

A partially finished McKinley (still looking for the missing pieces somewhere in a box in the basement....I'll find them when we move!

A DuraCraft Lafayette - with one wall completed!

A Garfield in the box, with the base and stairs put together.......

A Harrison unopened

An Arthur - unopened

A Whitney by Artply

Plus the Pierce which I am working on!


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the one who dies with the most toys, wins!
now, now. that implies something negative
What's negative? Like it or not we begin our journey towards the end of life the moment we enter it, and I think the whole point of the journey is to help as many people as you meet along the way to have fun with it.
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Newberg (Dura Craft)

Farmhose 505 (Dura Craft)

Country House



Vinyard Cottage

Lighthouse (RGT)

Beacon Hill

Story book


Winston Cottage (Dura Craft)

Ashley (Dura Craft)

Lafayett (Dura Craft)





three 1/2" row house structures

1 wind mill (1/4th scale)

Heritage (Dura Craft)

Mariquim Hill (I know I spelled it wrong) (duracraft)

1 Mcgreedy 1/2" scale house (Don't know the name of the house)


Mountain view cottage (RGT)

Market Cross (Dollshouse Emporium)

Chalet (Dollshouse Emporium)

CAstle tower (tom's mill)

These are just some of the instructions I found in my folder so these are ones I plan on keeping to build myself

Oh my goodness Tracy, I wanna come play at your house!!! :ohyeah:

Myself, I have in their boxes, not started yet:

Coventry Cottage

Sweetheart (2 of these)





Victoria's Farmhouse


Also have the front-opening Montgomery - half of it's in the box, the other half (part of the shell) is on my work table.

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Our combined houses are: my list first. I counted them up and i know we have over 100 kits combined, but this list totals up 94....so i'm missing some from the list :ohyeah:

Your collection is a dollhouse builders dream!!! You'd need a warehouse to display them all :p But wouldn't that be something?


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Well some of you make me feel, Not so bad now :p

Me neither Tracy, I am actually starting to feel a bit "poor" on the dollhouse kit fornt, just one in the box awaiting to be started.... > can you all see the shivers I am getting???< I gave away a Primorse to my mother that she is building with my niece so now I only have my Haunted hosue kit left apart from the ines in progress.... Yikes!

Hugs :ohyeah:

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Mmm let me see

Winston cottage - Dura - craft

Queen Anne - Dura - craft

Bellingham farmhouse - Dura - craft

The Orchid - Corona concepts

The San Franciscan - Dura - Craft

Lafyette - Dura - Craft

Sweetheart - Dura - Craft

Ashley - Dura - Craft


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Since my Houses got listed I'm gonna go off topic a bit. I make models (mostly sci-fi) as well as houses, so I'll list those still in box : :wave:

Polar Lights Enterprise NX01 (1/350) (staying sealed, an investment, RC-2 dropped the Trek license)

Polar Lights 1/350 Enterprise Refit x2, 1 staying sealed, see above

AMT Millennium Falcon, accuracy's a joke, I'll build it for practice for........

Fine Molds Millennium Falcon

AMT X-Wing Fighter, very accurate, surprising given how bad their Falcon is

some less common stuff

Wilco Proteus from Fantastic Voyage

Stargazer Serenity from Firefly, number 9 of the first 10 cast, limited run of 100 kits

Viper Mark II from the new Battlestar Galactica, horrible show, great ships

MiM Nostromo from Alien

Sandman Gun from Logan's Run made of Machined aluminum, non working, but awesome.

Non sic-fi

Revel of Germany Queen Mary 2

Revel of Germany Wolf U-Boat

Revel/Monogram B-29 Superfortress

Sorry to go off topic, you may now return to the regularly scheduled program. :thumb:

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Sorry to go off topic, you may now return to the regularly scheduled program. :wave:

That's not off topic. They're kits of miniature replicas too and minis don't always have to be houses.

Um, when you finish that Sandman Gun, will you show us? Huh? Huh? Pretty please.................... <holding up hand and shouting "renew!" renew!">


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No problem, I have a resin flamegun that Dougal helped deconstruct, but this aluminum one is da bomb. Ma online Bro Alfred Wong hooked me up with a great idea for painting it. He said to discharge the Krylon semi-flat black spray paint (what they used on the props) into the airbrush paint cup, he does that kind of thing all the time. You get all the spray paint colours with the control of an airbrush. I have to be able to paint the inside of the muzzle brake since it has the gas tube on this model.

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About a year ago I read a topic like this. I was just new here and realy did not understand why anyone would leafe a dollhouse in a box.

And now a year later .. er .. :thumb:

- Tennyson

- Brimbles

- Willowcrest

- 1/144 Beacon Hill

- 1/144 Garfield

Lets not mention the ones I'm working on.

And I cann't start building an other house before I have moved. :wave:

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Well now I really don't feel bad having a few in boxes and wanting more!

I've got:


Haunted House


and the Vermont Farm. Jr. is still half in the box, half on my table :wave:

and yes Donna, my mom still has not relinquished the Pierce!! I should get it in May...Can't wait!! :thumb:

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Ok, I'll play too. I, however am NOT going to show this to my DH and say see I'm not as bad as some of these people. He is still in shock over the 3000 breyer horses.





2 Lafayettes

2 Orchids

4 White Orchids





Fantasy Villa

Gothic House

Fantasy Castle (on it's way from Tracy)


Large stable from Sam's club

2 other stables

Several roomboxes

(some of these are in various stages of construction)


A birdhouse now a bunny and mouse house

A fallen tree house

Several fairy houses for outside

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