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The Voices ...


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NOTE: I had a very boring day at work yesterday. Only talked to 4 customers in 7 hours. I set my pen down on a piece of tablet paper and this is what ensued:

The Voices … I Hear the Voices …

{Some people say that dollhouses will "tell" you what they want to be; that they will speak to you. Some people pooh-pooh that idea. The following has been my experience; judge for yourself.}

I sit alone in my craft room, listening to the voices. They don't stop. Some are demanding, some are pitiful, and some are crying.

Federal Manor is loudest now, "I was silent for 5 whole years, then I finally decided to trust you with what I really wanted to be. (Actually, I didn't want you to come near me until you had mastered some of those nasty looking tools!) You got excited about it and wanted to starting working on me right away. I saw you at your desk. I know you were drawing up plans and making lists. So what's the hold-up? I'm ready! LET'S GO!"

Ardela - sweet beautiful doll that she is, is almost in tears. "You promised to build my bedroom roombox a soon as you finished the Georgian Townhouse. Stupid, tiny, little house - I can't even get both feet into it! And I saw the beautiful bed you got for me." Sniff. "I've waited patiently. Can't you build my bedroom NOW?" I hear soft sob.

Between the sobs and the shouts, I hear a quieter voice. Quieter, deeper, and dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, yeah! Listen to Girly Girl and Bully Manor! How about me? Get out your calendar - remember when you first saw me? I saw the desire in your eyes; the longing; the wanting. But not having! I was forbidden fruit - The Street of Shops! You didn't have the money but I knew you wanted me. Years passed, and you kept my picture on your desk - dreaming - hoping. Then there was that big sale and I was finally in your possession. I got excited! I was out of that stuffy storeroom! The long tedious trip was finally over! By the way - those UPS guys play rough!

"I was heading to a house of love! I was wanted! Life was going to be so good!"

I felt guilt pour over me. What he said was true - I had wanted that 3-part kit for at least 10 years before I finally got it.

"Yeah! Right!" he continued huffily, "the 'good life', my foot! I just changed one storage shelf for another! So when are you going to pay some attention to ME? I've already given you three choices on what I'd like to be. I'm not all that choosy. I just would really like to get out of this box and stretch my walls!"

Another voice chimes in from the table where Christmas Roombox is sitting. This one is just a little bit snooty. "Ahem? Excuse me? I realize they have some legitimate complaints, but I can trump them all! Don't forget about me - I have a DEADLINE! I can't wait!" She smirked in the direction of Arabela, "You think you're so special, Girly Girl, but I could very well win her a prize!"

She turned back to me, "Don't forget you have already turned in the paperwork, you have already started the work - don't miss out on this contest. You only have a few weeks left! You can take care of THEM later!"

Listening to these voices is driving me crazy. I look around the room a bit frantically. And in the corner, quietly watching my distress, I catch the eye of my very special Skilcraft Townhouse. Seeing that she has my attention, she says softly, "Hello. I wondered when you would remember me. We've already discussed what I want to be and I know you've started gathering items for me. I'm being patient, but I could claim seniority here. It was I who got you back into miniatures after a long dry spell. When you rescued me from that horrible yard sale it was mutual love at first sight. I was the one who led you to your new friends at Greenleaf. It was I who inspired you to learn new skills. Isn't that worth something?"

She continues with a little more asperity, " Chrissy may have a point, but shouldn't Bully Manor and Girly Girl step aside? And Mr. Street! Really! He think he's so important!"

I pick up the phone and punch in the memorized number. After three rings I speak to the receptionist, "Is Dr. Minnie Freud available, please? I need to make an appointment. Soon!"

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C J, you are perfectly normal. Now put all of their names in a hat and draw one out. If you don't like the first choice, draw another one. Keep going. If none of them strike your fancy, go to Greenleaf and buy a new one that you like. That's how I solve the problem... No! Please don't peek under my bed or behind the door to the workroom, or...

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Too darn funny, I made my dear husband read this post...(in hopes he would understand better). He put down my iPad an exclaimed...." OMG" you all are crazy! Thank you for this wonderful post!

You just made my day - anything to keep the DH's convinced we're crazy! They don't understand us anyway :)

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:clap: CJ, I'm so happy you wrote that down, you are definitely not alone!

My kits don't speak to me - as much as they used to. Now they whisper among themselves and give me dirty looks all the time. I've set aside my Magnolia and Lighthouse to work on Arthur Santa's House and I can practically feel the resentment oozing out from their corner of the room. Don't even get me started on the Lily on the high shelf, bare-nekkid boards and all.

"I only have two hands", I tell them, but still, they refuse to budge an inch on the subject. They want it all and they want it NOW. They are practically toddlers!!!!

I'd love to read more "b***** Kit Stories", why don't you blog a weekly short story - goodness knows we need some humorous light relief from all that un-built angst.

And all of us who are blessed with talking houses and minis will always be the envy of those who don't hear them IMHO anyway.

Roll on the canned laughter, if you will, maestro!

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I can relate completely. The voices really don't stop, especially at night when your trying to go to sleep. When they start, they never go silent until they get what they want. I've noticed its that way with decor as well as assembly. If something isn't put in the right place or if the dollhouse sees something it wants, it gets it even if you have to make it yourself. Anything to stop the nagging!

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:rofl: As soon as I read the title of this thread I knew that the "voices" weren't referring to the ones on TV or those admitted to from the psychiatrist's couch........ (tilting head in contemplation) like I said, from the TV show.

Mrs. Barrington stands stoically in the workroom corner, doing her best to remain regal-looking despite recently being relieved of her front porch during my last "creative spurt". She tries to keep her comments limited, but I can feel her resentment as I work on my latest client house. She is the first. She is Queen, and she knows it. Sometimes, when her stiff upper lip begins to quiver, I have to stop and pat her gently. "There, there." I tell her. "Soon. I promise."

And then I dash into the other work room to grab something out of my storage tray and am assaulted by the sassy Ms. Highland. "Excuuuuuuuse me??" I hear behind me. "Do you MIND?" she says saucily. "I am doing my best to keep some semblance of decorum here, but really - having those dang cats running straight thru my living room to get to the window!? What am I - a major highway!? I will have you know that I am a work of ART and I would appreciate it if you would get your butt in gear to finish my front wall so I don't have to deal with this feline traffic any longer! This dust and cat hair isn't good for my 70's décor, you know!" I grab what I need and slink away....

Meanwhile, Mr. Bellingham has fallen silent in the upstairs bedroom, and Ms. Manchester simply whimpers from the attic.

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CJ, I am assuming that by reading this plea, I elected myself to be on your jury, and therefore are among those who get to determine the facts. As a proud member of this jury panel, I am throwing out your insanity plea, as my verdict is Not Guilty by reason of reality.

First of all, I am relying on precedence, and in the course of history, there have been many great writers, musicians, artists, scientists, inventors, etc. whose work we've admired, but could not relate to. Therefore, phrases such as "suffering artist," "mad scientist," "lonely writer," etc., have become standard, undisputed cliches.

The average person cannot relate to the genious, creativity, and expressions of these gifted individuals, therefore they are viewed as being in another league. We, as a society, labeled them as eccentric or crazy because, the truth be known, we feel inferior to these known greats. - The same is true for miniaturists.

Second, I am a great person to have on a jury because I don't have to relate to something in order to understand and appreciate it. I am fortunately not a victim of child abuse, yet I can understand how some victims can suppress these memories for years. While far less serious, the same logic applies to the mini world. Even if my house didn't talk to me, I would not toss out the idea that dollhouses and their families don't have voices of their own. To be close-minded about this would be like closing the door to lost opportunities.

Third, while I don't have to relate, I do relate. My dollhouse reconstructed itself. For years I pictured it a certain way but didn't think certain things were possible. - The house not only told me it was possible, it showed me how it could be done. Now Holly, one of the little girls living in my house, wants a flute for her eighth birthday. - Where does she get that from? I don't play an instrument, so how could I have influenced her? - I keep telling people I can't make this stuff up!

So dear friend, the voices are real, and the houses and occupants talk. You are not crazy; however, you earned my sympathy, as I can see your predictament. Each one of your future homes presented a very good case that cannot be dismissed, and I must say the Skilcraft Townhouse nearly broke my heart.

However, I must rule impartially, and the house you must pick up next has to be the one that motivates you the most at the current moment for whatever reason, be it rational or impulsive. That is the only way you can allow the voices to guide you; otherwise, you will encounter complications with the project. Tell all the others their time will come, and they will be better off having endured the wait.

Finally, I will leave you with words of wisdom that will put Minnie Freud out of business - The condition is the cure! So put down the phone, as I am releasing you into the general public, as there are too many boring souls out there who need you.

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Even while I read, Vincent glares down at me from his unfinished studio and the skellies are all anxious about who will get the first ride on the carnival ride. The Canterbury is patiently waiting for me on the turntable and I think the old Glencroft has given up, for awhile anyway....

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Debra, Glencorfts are stoic and silent... Zar's Clockwork Cottage has been on the top shelf for quite a while... It doesn't say a word. The Glencroft is a very patient house. He knows that I will go back to him time after time, until he is finished... Maybe yours was in the same storage space as mine at the Greenleaf factory...

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and this would be why I generally do not make plans... I mean why bother for petes sake....

Miss Dianna says not one word...sitting on the shelf 80% finished but will not allow it...she is saucy and snooty...oh she heard that..says "HUMPH"


The Arthur is waiting the addition I have just been THING about and he jumped on that....and now taps his foot impatiently....sorry lil dude the Gingerbread is first as soon as I get this one thing I need...lol

and if you think houses have to live with you to talk....NOOOOOOOO....my poor babes in storage send out weak pitiful plea's....why dont you love us...why do you leave us? oh the guilt!

I would never admit such things to regular folk....I wait and share with all you normal folk! :victory:

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I know what you mean by all the voices talking to you, I have two talking to me and now a third that I have no idea what to do with because it's the smallest house I've ever seen and it's mid century modern too!?! Ive never worked on a modern house before never mind the fact that it's smaller scale than Im used too (I like playscale and 1/12 but I always wanted to try something a bit smaller and I did do a coffee cup house *it's supposed to be a tea cup house but I used a coffee cup* my problem is that Im now working 6 days a week so I don't have time to do anything but I think I'll try to squeeze in some time before I go to bed (that's what I used to do when I played with my clay food) this all seems perfectly normal to me :)

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Well, earlier in the summer, in my renovations, I moved all my unbuilt kits out of the little guys room and into their new home in my studio. Of course, since nothing is done, they are still sitting there.

Well, here's the problem, when I took them all out, I carefully peeked inside those that were open, dusted them all, carefully and orderly stacked them by size and type. Now, of course, this sounds great. BUT, they all took it as a sign that they were coming out their packages to be built.

Then I got my new scroll saw and peeked at that but put it back in the box, promising myself I can't use it until the "reno project" is completed. So, get this, scroll saws talk with kits. They are in the same corner. The saw is on the table and the kits and under.

What a dreadful racket continually comes from that corner of the room. It's deafening!!!

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The voices/houses are more or less chatterboxes to start with.... I know I have had houses literally screaming their ideas from the screen and getting louder and louder while travelling over here which I like ;)

I love the plotting, planning and gathering stuff phase and trnd to sketch up quick parts of rooms and/or scenes and list "must haves" after which sometimes to hunt for these things needed to start...

Looking forward to seeing what others are"hearing" so to speak


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Selkie, I have found that kits are like canaries. If you cover their cage/corner with a blanket, they will quiet down and go to sleep. That's why I keep as many as I can under the bed.the only one of mine that is making noise right now ie the Brimble's Mercantile. That one is going to be Steampunk, with all the bells and whistles...I have to cloak it just to get a good night's sleep!

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Covering should work, except that these guys and gals ARE all covered up and under a table to boot!!

I blame the scroll saw. He's a trouble maker. I can just tell. He's doing something to wire them all up.

Maybe it's him that I need to cover. Hm-m-m-m??

Well, back to painting the room.

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Selkie, might be that the Scroll Saw is really either scaring them the awesome powers he has or they are debating and pondering possible bashings where his skills will be needed??? (And that is why my Scroll Saw is way out in the tool shed/work shop....)


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