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Victorian Ironing Boards

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I have seen a couple of her dolls,which are on her site,but didn't know the name 'Wolfie'. Her site says Lone Wolf,so I probably saw that,even though I don't recall it either.lol But I have definitely seen her "Emma" somewhere before. And I know I'm not dreaming about a (claimed to be) 100 yr. old member!-but they could have been clowning on their profile page. Some people just can't handle people knowing their age or want their privacy,I guess. But it was when I was looking at Orchid builds all over the site and no way can I recall who it was. Sorry Wolfie can't be with us,she's got some cute dolls. And I will go look up Anya-the animal artisan I asked you about. Too far off topic,but thanx,Holly!

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Well,Judith,it was a good long time ago-my uncle would've been 83 this week,had he lived past age 23 (car accident). I used to think Mom was teasing about this when I was little,but she said he wanted them just as stiff as Grandma could get them and she sure did it!lol I will have to ask Mom if Grandma did or didn't have an ironing board,but I know she heated the irons on their wood stove,as my mother grew up without electricity. Imagine that-yikes! (Well,I know some of you can.)

Kat we used to put so much spray starch on our jeans that they would sometimes come out shiny. They had to have a crease - and a sharp one at that - to be seen in wrinkly jeans....horror of horror - have you no pride in your appearance? It was a thing unheard of girlfriend.

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Ouch,Judith! I used to wear cheap knit pants when all the other girls were wearing jeans,...But now,jeans are all I wear,ever. After I wash my jeans or if they need freshening up-wrinkles at the knees,etc,I put them together in a loose crease,fold them over like I'm going to put them on a hanger,lay them in the dryer with a damp cloth for a few minutes (A dryer sheet is good,too,if you use them) and that's good enough for me! My parents used to own a laundromat and it's a simple trick we learned from an elderly customer! :) Since we now don't have the extreme chores Victorian ladies had,like ironing with coal irons or sad irons,we can choose what matters more to us,I guess. I can hand wash anything if I have to-take away my dryer and I'm not fit to live with! :) So glad it's not Victorian times!! But I still love the little mini wooden ironing board!Topic,Kat topic!

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