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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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You signed a contract with your fling Brae - I refused - arms crossed, shaking head slowly and tapping one foot - kits are getting really uppity these days.

I trawled through the gallery and noticed the warning about the greenhouse construction - after I'd finished mine - phhtt - typical but I had seen your's Brae - never noticed it didn't have glass. Kelly has done a great job with hers too - must just be me. I dispensed with the door like Brae but put a window in its place.

I bet at least 70% of the spring fling entries this year have greenhouse additions, its such a great kit - fiddly but great.

Good luck with yours Chris, I'm looking forward to seeing your twisted, silly entry, I'm sure it will be fabulous. Actually, now I think about it - its a long time until September and the big reveal - must start putting some sneak peeks in this thread.

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post-2296-0-35118700-1337110727_thumb.jp OK...here's another rather colorful 'sneak'....

I have a feeling I will reveal the whole darn thing before Sept..lol....I'm just not that good at the 'waiting game', especially lonngg ones. Ah well, who cares..I'm not in it to win it anyway...just havin' fun.

Alright, someone else's turn to 'share'... :bigwink:

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Chris, I agree with Elizabeth, THAT is very pretty!!! I love the texture and colors. Very pretty!!!

Working on my Fling a little today. Needing to "cut" it down some. This kit definitely has it's own mind!!! Even though I have told it many times that it can not be as big as it is wanting, it seems to be winning. But, I am cutting a little at a time and hopefully we can come to an agreement of size. :swordfight:

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Chris, I've no idea what that is but its just perfect for my fling - want it everywhere especially on the walls. Scratches head - are we doing the same thing?????

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:hmm: Could be, Jo...could be. :batman: Seems a lot of us are thinkin' that. No worries though.Even if they ALL are the same (how weird would THAT be?), they will all have our own unique touch added. Mine is strictly for fun this time, but I need that Fling 'motivational' thing apparently... to get my rear in gear. <heavy sigh> I seem to work better in 'deadline' mode.

I'm not really a very 'pink-purple-shiny-gawdy' person (in fact, not EVER)...but apparently my 'residents' are! And LOTS of it...OY. Crazy has come to town with this one methinks...and I am just along for the ride. :insane: I shudder to think what the end result may be....could be lovely, OR could be a wretched mess!! LOL

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Thanks all for the positives.♥ You made my 'resident's' day. Here I keep saying "It's too much! Too gawdy! Too something!" And, of course, the terrible twins keep saying "It's ALL about US..not YOU! ! (♪neener-neener-neener♪♪♪) <heavy sigh> I think psychiatrist's refer to this as 'voices', don't they?..THAT can't be good.


And I loathe drama..... :roar: ...but drama IT IS with this one. :surrender: No wonder I'm insane.....could be worse I suppose...I COULD have conjured the twins from "The Shining"..."REDRUM"....lol

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The fireplace is looking good Brae.

Disassembled the greenhouse this morning as the roof was a bit iffy and I could see gaps. Its all masking taped up again and I hope it will be a bit better this time.

Must clean the house today - but I want to fling. Its amazing how I didn't want to start this project at first and now I want to fling and fling. Might clean the house tomorrow - snigger.

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Life is crazy. So I know I can't fling much for awhile, but I keep up with the forum (most often with a 4 year old in my lap) and keep my excitement level up. I've just learned we may have no choice but to make our little angel a permanent part of our family. (of course the hope is for Momma to get her back) I figure if I don't carve out a bit of time for me I will be a worse person for it. So, I'm learning to multi task again. Never thought I'd see the day :)

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Life is crazy. So I know I can't fling much for awhile, but I keep up with the forum (most often with a 4 year old in my lap) and keep my excitement level up. I've just learned we may have no choice but to make our little angel a permanent part of our family. (of course the hope is for Momma to get her back) I figure if I don't carve out a bit of time for me I will be a worse person for it. So, I'm learning to multi task again. Never thought I'd see the day :)

Bless you Morgan for being there for this little girl. You will definitely need to carve out time for you. That is what makes for a better You, in my opinion. I am 45, and we have 8 kids, all ranging from 4 - 25. The oldest isn't living at home now, but is home daily to eat, etc. There were days that I was not able to work on anything creative and I felt so lost and like something was missing in my life. I finally realized that I needed to work alittle on something every day or so and that helped me to feel better and that helps me be a better Mom. Bless you for this, it's not an easy job but God doesn't give us more than we can handle. You can do it! :D

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The fireplace is looking good Brae.

Disassembled the greenhouse this morning as the roof was a bit iffy and I could see gaps. Its all masking taped up again and I hope it will be a bit better this time.

Must clean the house today - but I want to fling. Its amazing how I didn't want to start this project at first and now I want to fling and fling. Might clean the house tomorrow - snigger.

My philosophy on cleaning is don't do it unless it's really worth your while; you should fling today and clean later when it's messy from flinging :lol:

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Thanks, Jo! I, too, was going to clean last night...then a friend called and said, "It's a beautiful evening, want to go sit outside somewhere and get a cocktail?" It was 80 degrees and breezy...aaaahhh. :ohyeah:

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I finally realized that I needed to work alittle on something every day or so and that helped me to feel better and that helps me be a better Mom.

SO true. It's absolutely necessary to find time for yourself. All the mommies told me this from the start and I've listened. The little ones watch our every move, if they see you be a happy and balanced person, they will learn how to be happy and balanced, sounds easy enough right? Drop the guilt about things that can wait (laundry) and show them that down-time is just as important for the mind. So far none of us has had to leave the house nekkid or hungry and my mini projects are still moving along. You can always read forums while playing sesame street episodes on youtube. I've gotten pretty good at singing Rubber Duckie while poking through emails :bigwink: (ok... good is a relative term, my toddler claps for me so that's good enough). Obviously you will have to save things that require your full attention for bedtimes, but even just giving yourself tiny pockets of 20 or 30 mins will bring a lot of harmony to your home.

On that note, the little one is visiting Grandma today so I am off to play with my SF. :banana:

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Morgan, if you keep your little angel, she's a Gift, and if I've ever learned anything in 70 years, it's never to turn down a Gift.

Without question she is a gift. We're talking about a kid who never stops huggin and kissin and tellin you she loves you.

I want to point out, we are also doing this because when Momma is ready we will support her being in charge again. We aren't out to hurt her. Our 4 year old comes first & we are praying for the day there is a proper reunion.

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I have been cleaning much of the day, and I haven't even scratched the surface.

I put my fling back in the box so it wouldn't look at me reproachfully.

Soon you'll be able to hear it calling you even from inside the box :rofl:

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Soon you'll be able to hear it calling you even from inside the box :rofl:

No, Sarah, that's only you. :shifty: That doesn't happen to the rest of us. :rofl:

Yeah, right! I have more than a dozen of them bugging me to get DH to MOVE on getting us a workshop!
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'Following' this thread is a hoot getting notices by email. You guys/gals are having a blast. hmm do we have guy/s Flinging?

okay okay okay I ordered lights and I hope all I need........ do I know what I am doing? heck no!!! I've wanted to do this on a small scale so here's my chance. I barely have the concept of electrics..... nuff said hoping I don't light up myself. :huh:

I really need to get to town for a couple things.

everyone have a blessed day.



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I have been cleaning much of the day, and I haven't even scratched the surface.

I put my fling back in the box so it wouldn't look at me reproachfully.

Soon you'll be able to hear it calling you even from inside the box :rofl:

Yeah, right! I have more than a dozen of them bugging me to get DH to MOVE on getting us a workshop!

I know what you mean. I have so many whispering, shouting, stamping, screeching,etc. that I have lost count. At least they haven't unionized yet. They'll send in the knee whackers after that. (Of course with as bad as my knees are, that might be an improvement. hahaha)

I truly need an intervention either for the clutter or the mini-addiction. Somethings gotta give so I can get back in the swing of creating.

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