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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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Argh... I've been working on my SF all afternoon; the theme is still fuzzy but I know what the outside looks like, and it sure is tedious. Best to get this part out of the way so I can concentrate on the fun stuff! :p

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My plans with my BFF for our annual Quilt Show weekend fell thru thanks to a very unethical mechanic who not only missed the deadline, but isn't even working on her car. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. This weekend is something that Kathy and I look forward to and plan for all year long. So this morning instead of being in the middle of gorgeous textile art and going fabric shopping, I'm sitting at home feeling more than a little let down. However, I know the cure for the blues so I worked my way downstairs to the studio and got my SF into dry fit. OMG! It's even more perfect for my plan than I had anticipated and believe me, I'd already anticipated that it would be perfect! How cool is it when the kit exceeds your expectations by about 120%! I did a little happy dance and then put the ______ and the ______ inside it to make sure the proportions were right and they are. Another awesome moment!! Best of all was the _____ that I got to go outside and it turned out to be an *exact* replica of the one I'm duplicating. I don't know how I got so lucky as to find that perfect duplication in miniature but the Mini Gods were definitely smiling on me. The SF has really brightened my day today!


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At least somethigng worked out perfectly for you today! Must have been a real let down about your friend. He mechanic should have given her a loaner car! I hope you can get together soon, even if it to do something different then what you had planned for this weekend. I hate when plans fall through.

My fling and I aren't agreeing on things right now! I just can't figure out what she wants...she is being very vague! But I know that we will come to a decision soon. Not worried, just happy for the extra time we have! :D

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Deb, I am sorry that your plans had to get changed. That is so sad, especially when it is something that only happens once a year. Glad that you had your SF to play with and that turned out good. Hope that you ladies will be able to get together soon. :hug:

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spent two days "flinging" and made a nice little start to my project....

the only thing I think I don't enjoy about my first Spring Fling... is I am a "sharer" I love to share my photos... and I am finding it difficult to not hit that upload photos button... LOL

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Yeah, waiting for the big reveal is for the birds, if you ask me...even if all the eye candy is so fabulous at the end. I'm not knocking how fun it is to ooh and ah at everyone's projects all at once -- it's like opening gifts at Christmas. But, I am a sharer, too. I like the journey, figuring things out, sharing the process just as much if not more than a big reveal. :) So, I'll be painfully holding back right there with you, Kelly!

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Deb, I too am sorry for the day you and your friend didn't have. I've found I'm extra creative during such times. It sounds like you are too. I'm not sure how old everyone here is but no matter......think back to school. I remember several classes that brought forward how often the best of writers, artists, etc. do their best work when they've experienced tragedy. I know missing a quilt event is not a tragedy, but it is a minor tragedy of its kind. What is it about 'tragedy' of whatever degree that brings forth great creativity and how crazy is that??? Seriously, I don't see myself as a great anything but I sure make good stuff when I'm bummed :) Considering what you do every day, Deb, I am soooooo looking forward to seeing what you are doing. Which brings me to my next subject...........

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spent two days "flinging" and made a nice little start to my project....

the only thing I think I don't enjoy about my first Spring Fling... is I am a "sharer" I love to share my photos... and I am finding it difficult to not hit that upload photos button... LOL

Yeah, waiting for the big reveal is for the birds, if you ask me...even if all the eye candy is so fabulous at the end. I'm not knocking how fun it is to ooh and ah at everyone's projects all at once -- it's like opening gifts at Christmas. But, I am a sharer, too. I like the journey, figuring things out, sharing the process just as much if not more than a big reveal. :) So, I'll be painfully holding back right there with you, Kelly!

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Ok, sorry I messed up who I'm quoting. Brae, Kelly and all you 'sharers' out there.......I finally get why people build more than one house at a time. One to keep secret, one to share. Or two, or three........:) I am feeling the frustration. When I told Holly I was stuck and she got to save the day it was the first person outside my family I've shared with. It makes me wonder how many other great ideas I'd get if I could tell.

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I've got nothing to share even if I wanted to - still doing a lot of staring though. I have an idea but thinking about how to do it. I've ordered a ****** which I hope may kick start the creative phase and put an end to the staring. Having said that my idea is still the same obvious one, so nothing that will knock anyone's socks off but as Chris said (I think) its not what you do its the way that you do it - is that a song?

Its bank holiday here so no post until at least Wednesday - got lots of time to sit and stare some more then.

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Hello, new friends.

I am so grateful to learn that I can enter the contest and get free shipping even though I'm late. It is no problem whatsoever to bring the total order to $50. The problem is that I keep thinking, "Oh, I'd better get that, too," or, "Maybe I don't need that, but that instead." My shopping cart has been full for three days. I look at it every day. I have made pictures of everything I think I need and printed them out. I look at them and shift them around, and even make sketches.

What I think I REALLY need is a new brain. If I keep on like this, the contest will be over before I ever make up my mind.

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Welcome aboard, Elizabeth!! :D With the special pricing, I ordered more than I will use for this project....but we miniaturists know...it can ALWAYS be used in some future project, so if you can afford it, I say "Go for it". (we are such great enablers here...hehehe)

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Hello, new friends.

I am so grateful to learn that I can enter the contest and get free shipping even though I'm late. It is no problem whatsoever to bring the total order to $50. .

Correct. While the items are still at sale price the shipping is free with orders over $49.

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Thanks, everyone.

I just placed my order. I did let the house speak to me, as well as my inspiration, and I believe I got just what I need.

Ah! What a relief! I can become obsessive, so its good to have the decision made.

Does anyone know how long the items will be on sale?

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Thanks for all the encouragement about my lost weekend. <sniffing> I was feeling horribly let down but part of that was getting sick. Thanks to the bone spurs in my toes I had to have part of one toenail removed last week which left an infection; something that's common enough for diabetics. So I've been taking nasty antibiotics that have left me feeling queasy and exhausted. I see the podiatrist again tomorrow so hopefully he'll give me the green light to get off the antibiotics and get back to normal.

But all that's beside the point because I got something special for my Fling today. And I'm going to tell you what it is because it's a key part of the construction and will be part of a very funny story that I'll share after when I do my reveal but it doesn't really give away anything about my theme. <grinning> It's one of those things that makes you feel all sheepish even while you're giggling about it. Anyway, he arrived today and I did a little hopping-on-one-foot happy dancing.

It's a white goat.

His name is Henry. That's part of what I'll explain later.

The reason I can tell you that a white goat fits into my Fling is because it's not what you think. There's no farm, no petting zoo, nothing that would even remotely include a goat as a normal thing and yet Henry is such a vital part of what I'm doing. I adore him!!!

There was a whole box full of things for the Fling (including something with a zebra print) plus about 20 new plants to go into two greenhouses that have nothing to do with the Fling. I couldn't decide on which type of floor I wanted to do first so I did them both........one is done with Greenleaf birch wood tiles; stained and varnished for a beautiful parquet look. The other is done with Greenleaf marble tiles in dark green. Add a couple coats of poly over the top and OMG, they shine sooooooooooooooooooo pretty! I decided to use the wood floor for the conservatory that I'm doing first and the green marble is going to be the "working" greenhouse I'm making for myself. Happy, happy, joy, joy!! Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Deb <running off to hug Henry again>

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I've started to make a ****** in the hope that it will spur me on a little.

Holly - I have one idea and one idea only - that's the kit talking - right? Well I'm now listening because there isn't even a whisper from anywhere else.

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I'm not participating, but this post is sure fun to follow. I can't wait to see all the final "mysteries"!!

That's what I did last year Janet with me only on the group a very short time........ Ohhhh what a JOY to see all the creativity that went into the entrys.

I must do some work in rh today and hopefully start my prep work on entry table this evening. Oh boy, I get to play with drill and nail gun. Just give me tools and I am happy..... thinking my order could be in by Friday or Saturday. I've drawn my diagram so we will see how it goes. a friends boyfriend is to be here one day to get plexiglass out of my storage in back (an old moving van). I use to pop in and out of there all the time until I saw snake skins... oh no not me going in anymore even if I do love living in the country.

Ta. Off to read a bit then get busy in my own bird room :-) that's a never ending thing.


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Deb, hope your foot is better. That sounds really horrible.

BUT your project is intriguing. Sound like sooo much fun. Can't wait to see Henry and his home(?).

And your greenhouses--can we see pictures of those?

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