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January Gazette


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Thanks for the article on making molds!! I have a pile of stuff that I thought would be fun to turn into molds, just never got the motivation to do it. I'm hoping the story Deb wrote gives me that motivation.

I'm always glad to see the Gazette on my inbox and I always read it right away but I think this one is gonna be one of my favorites.

Thank again!!!

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I'm glad that you liked it. To be honest I decided that if I were going to finally take the leap into polymer clay I'd just take you all with me! LOL!! Poly clay is the one part of minis that I've never been enthused about trying because I was afraid of screwing up in epic proportions. I figured that I'd give it a try and chronicle the whole process to show that we miniaturists are determined, creative, and/or just plain stubborn. :p If we want to make it happen we'll figure out a way. I'm never going to be a polymer clay artist but I know now that I can at least do the basics and have fun with it. My main goal is to be able to make cool embellishments for houses and I feel like I'm off to a good start. I can't wait to try gargoyles next!

Pam I hope that you share pictures of the things you make with us. What odds and ends do you have saved for making molds?


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loved the clay mould idea!!!!!! i want lots of stuff for the french chateau but couldnt afford to by the costly mouldings....Fabulous idea!!!

oooooo and i enjoyed the rest of the Gazette too :p

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Just wanted to add my 2 cents -- I also enjoyed the poly clay tutorial. While I don't really have that as an option to buy locally I have been experimenting with Cold Porcelain clay, and I'm still experimenting with that as well. I think I'm very much like Deb that I know I'll not be a master at it, but it will be helpful to have it as an option to work with if I get the itch to add something that would other-wise be more expensive than my budget would allow. Also, wanted to say I was beyond extremely surprised to see my niece's dh listed as eyecandy of the month. So many mini thanks for that! She'll be visiting with me this weekend as I'm trying to get some last minute time with her before her family moves back to NC. Going to miss her so much, but think she'll get a kick out of seeing her house on-line from that. Going back to work on scraping paint(power putty stripper works great!) and look at all this white stuff falling...

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Pam I hope that you share pictures of the things you make with us. What odds and ends do you have saved for making molds?


What I actually was thinking of doing is make the molds of polymer clay but cast with paper similar to this


I have the little stuff like buttons and jewelry, the little charms for sewing on quilts stuff like that. What I'd really like to do though are picture frames that have big chunky detail. I pick them up at the thrift store for cheap.

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