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Today's Progress - Checking in to see if I am making any fatal errors

Chris P.

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I'm feeling pretty good about what I have gotten done so far. I would like to be making faster progress, but I am taking it really slow. So far, sanded and primed these pieces.


Hubby had latex primer in the garage so these pieces have been coated front, back, and sides with that. The piece that is to be the ceiling of the first floor I have painted a first coat of latex interior paint. I will give it a second coat, then stucco it.

I am planning to stucco the exterior walls of the fairy house and put a stone foundation and decorate the higher part of the walls with shells and other found objects. I am using this little bird house to experiment on. I used a little white glue in with the stucco mix and also put glue behind the larger stones.


The finished side will have moss growing between the foundation stones where the gaps are. I also plan to paint a little mossy growth onto the stucco siding in the shady areas.

Is there something I should be doing that I am missing or something I have done prematurely that will interfere with later progress? Any suggestions for the stucco?



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It's looking great Chris! Sounds like a cute idea, love the shells.

The only thing maybe I would do different is not prime the edges, if that's what you meant by sides. You don't want to prime or paint where glue will go, glue will stick better to bare wood.

Good luck! Looks like you're having fun!

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Thank you, Tracy. That was exactly the kind of thing I need to know before going too far with the project. I thought that the edges should be primed to help preserve the wood. I am really glad to have the info about the glue before getting any farther along.

I AM having fun!!


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