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News from Wolfie


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I also have been in touch with her within the last 10 days...and Doug is still ailing, she's still caregiving. She talked a bit about maybe pouring some dolls in the next few weeks, but made no commitments. She has my thoughts and I'm holding her and Doug in the light... :rant:

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Thank you for all of your good wishes and prayers. I am back as Doug is doing better. He is doing Physical Therapy, and is able to get around a little better. We still have more appointments with the VA - but even there things are improving! Must be all those good vibes, prayers and good wishes! Thank you all! I just hope and pray it keeps up, so things can get back to normal!

My beacon hill has suffered, but I'm still doing other mini things, and that is good. They have to be things that can be worked on and put down for a while and then gone back to, as we sometimes don't know when or where our appointments will be.

Anyway thank you all, it's good to be "home!"

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