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Dioramas in 1/16th scale.


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Hi everybody ! Great day today as my wife will soon be home after her second knee replacement surgery .Everything went well. I will be re-focusing my energy for awhile now to help to nurse her back to health.I am planning to spend the time I have now concentrating on storyboarding and a little research.

The "Once upon a time.... diorama is going well but I have changed my mind again and am going back to the original concept of a movie set.I think that it is better to tell one story well than get things too confusing for the viewer.I know that it seems that I can't make up my mind, and your right about that, but that is the fun of doing this in real time rather than presenting a competed piece and then pretending that I knew where I was going all the time.

Cheers ! John.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Movie set 2.I have expanded the props yard to include a car/wagon idea that actually existed on the Leone movie set.For some shots of the wagon scene thru Monument Valley,A car was used for filming where you would normally expect a horse.

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I have joined the Clint Eastwood site and will be putting up the same pics over there too.

I have found a great website that de-constructes the opening scene of the movie.I will take some pics off the screen and compare the actual movie set scene with mine in 1/24 scale.Should be fun !

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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday was a great day as I finally figured out the storyline for the "Once Upon A time.....storyboard diorama.Basically it is back to the theme park idea.I only want one figure in the piece for both storyline and scale purposes.The figure will be opening or closing the gated theme park with lock and key.This eliminates the need for any other figures and makes an empty theme park believable.I was worried about doing justice to the figures and making them look real, especially for Jill 's arrival scene.Instead of figures I will use posters of each actors important scenes that I like.Each scene(Vignette) will tell its own story,a kind of story within the story idea.I will create two more modules,one for Jill's arrival and the other for the security guard or park manager.(this scene will also contain a car ,truck or motorcycle etc... .These two modules I will try to place in such a way as to take away the look of too much squareness in the overall storyboard diorama.There will of course be more changes as I go along but this idea really appeals to me and I hope to the viewer as well.Cheers ! John.

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