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Dioramas in 1/16th scale.


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In the movies smaller scale models were often build (and still are witness "Titanic" as a example) and used for forced perspective purposes.This module will contain an HO RR model which I will modify and put in a corner with a backdrop from Monument Valley.

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I am getting a little tired of making fences so I have started to do some serious research on old west facades and buildings and their construction techniques.

I will for the first two make the whole building as it will serve two purposes that of a facade and an actual dressing rooms for the actors.I first plan just to do the exteriors and use a sign to indicate what they are "Actors Dressing Rooms."

I will light them behind curtains and shades only but leave access to the interiors if I later want to add furnishings.I am already planning a second module, to be screwed to this one, containing the facades only.(next winter's project)Old west stuff seems to be pretty simple construction with few exterior decorations but lots of doors and windows, which is actually a plus for storyboarding using signs and stuff in the windows and doors for example.

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I want to try something different with this diorama by adding some audio/visual stuff myself.This time the storyline will be presented in a little different way.Instead of step by step pictures accompanied by an audio text as planned by the museum ,this time I plan to do my own .

Just a few short years ago this option was not available to me but with all the miniaturization of electronics today and the relatively cheap price I think that it could quite easily be done.

These two saloon boxes will be used to house the electronics and diorama lighting equipment.Facing outwards I plan to install either slides or scenes from the movie itself with good quality miniature speakers,if I can get permission to do so from the copyright holders otherwise I will have to come up with a plan 'B'.It will be a donation to a museum for educational purposes or for my own private use so maybe I will get lucky.

Plan 'B' will probably be to contact a few individuals that I see on You Tube and get their permission to use their videos and music.

Sounds like fun,something different for a change.

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I don't remember where I got this totem (or house post because it has a flat back)but as you can see from the chip on the base it is real black soapstone.It is not signed so I don't know who or what made it.It can't be very valuable so I plan to include it somewhere in the diorama/layout. I haven't quite decided how to finish it.It has a polished surface so the only thing that I can think of is that in real life that would be a shiny paint surface.Old totem poles are usually grey(ceder turns grey with time)totally or sometimes with remnants of paint.I don't want to paint it as a modern totem as the bright colors would be too distracting for the viewer.

I want to include it because the native people were a big part of the old west theme though not in this particular movie .I am planning an old prop yard at the rear of the diorama with fake horses etc..so I will probably put it there.

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It already looks like a weathered totem, maybe the First Nation people treated it with creosote to achieve the black color. I also like to use inexpensive objets d'art in scale in my pieces.

Only being a movie prop it really could be in any condition or color.Maybe in the last movie it was in they required it to be black.That is what I love about fantasy dioramas ,anything is possible.

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