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I bought this house from micheals


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Thanks for the feedback. I like the fence too, but can't decide if I really have enough space for it. I guess I won't know until I get deeper into the landscaping and see what it looks like. I started making plants today...

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More pics on my blog.

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The fence is perfect with that house! How'd you do the tree?

Thanks! The trunk is a Lemax "Sugar and Spice" tree and the leaves are foliage clusters. I posted a blog about it here with some before and after pictures.

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You've done a beautiful job on this - it's that perfect "little house with a white picket fence"! The landscaping is lovely ... what about adding a dog? (I just think animals add so much to a scene.) How far you have brought it from its humble beginnings as a cheap dollhouse! :cry:

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That's a great idea! I was thinking the side with the bench looks a little sparse compared to the side with the garden. A dog lying in the grass could be just what it needs.

Next up, the interior! I'm going to start building furniture kits this week.

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Wow. So, I read about someone picking one of these up while scanning the forums, and while I was in Michaels, I happened across one. Don't know what it's called, but it's a bow-fronted house, two stories, with an upper and lower wraparound porch. $9.99. Wish I'd had my coupon with me. Anyway, I was just looking for these on Amazon to see if I could find a name for the one I got, and they have the same house listed for $40.19 and $58.99. Looks like the same darned house to me.

Anyway, I've been knocking mine together today (LOVE the lack of instructions--NOT). Paused to scan the forum and I'm blown away by good these look in the hands of a devoted craftsperson. Wow! I was thinking I could just have fun with mine while I'm working on my Magnolia. I wasn't really thinking about turning it into a REAL dollhouse. Gotta rethink things now.

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Catherine, one of the differences in price could be that the Woodcraft versions of these houses were slightly larger, as someone with both versions pointed out, and Woodcraft made them first (I'm not for one second suggesting that Amazon is selling the smaller Creatology knockoffs for the same price as Woodcrafts; oh, no!). It's a lot easier to sell knockoffs for a lot less, and I wonder if the same Chinese company that makes Woodcraft aslo makes the Creatology line. I do think it's too bad that Creatology was selling UNAUTHORIZED knockoffs of Greenleaf houses last time around. Any of y'all puzzle=house owners notice if they're still doing it?

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Catherine, one of the differences in price could be that the Woodcraft versions of these houses were slightly larger, as someone with both versions pointed out, and Woodcraft made them first (I'm not for one second suggesting that Amazon is selling the smaller Creatology knockoffs for the same price as Woodcrafts; oh, no!). It's a lot easier to sell knockoffs for a lot less, and I wonder if the same Chinese company that makes Woodcraft aslo makes the Creatology line. I do think it's too bad that Creatology was selling UNAUTHORIZED knockoffs of Greenleaf houses last time around. Any of y'all puzzle=house owners notice if they're still doing it?

Yep, Holly, I believe they are. I haven't been to look this year, but I think they're still selling one of last year's. Also, they have a Tennyson wanna-be this year.

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Catherine, one of the differences in price could be that the Woodcraft versions of these houses were slightly larger, as someone with both versions pointed out, and Woodcraft made them first (I'm not for one second suggesting that Amazon is selling the smaller Creatology knockoffs for the same price as Woodcrafts; oh, no!). It's a lot easier to sell knockoffs for a lot less, and I wonder if the same Chinese company that makes Woodcraft aslo makes the Creatology line. I do think it's too bad that Creatology was selling UNAUTHORIZED knockoffs of Greenleaf houses last time around. Any of y'all puzzle=house owners notice if they're still doing it?

I actually pulled it up on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Creatology-Wooden-Pu...7609&sr=8-3

This is the house I bought at Michaels for $9.99, selling on Amazon for $58.99. I even zoomed in on the picture and checked the size, and it is the same size as the one I just built.

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My favorite dollar store find was a porcelein box that I had seen the year before in the Hallmark store for $25!

Last year I got a couple of the puzzle houses for $2 at the end. Its all what the market is willing to pay...or what Sherry said. lol ( I know I sort of went off the topic)

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My local Michaels hadn't been carrying the puzzle houses this year. Well, I went today and not only did they have a whole bunch of them, but they were in their own section, next to the wooden birdhouses and the $1 hutches. What a concept!

I didn't buy any since I was able to pick up a couple at a different Michaels last month. But maybe this will bode well for this particular store's selection in the future.

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My local Michaels hadn't been carrying the puzzle houses this year. Well, I went today and not only did they have a whole bunch of them, but they were in their own section, next to the wooden birdhouses and the $1 hutches. What a concept!

My Michael's has rearranged and put all this together too. I'm hoping it means that they are going to carry the houses permanantly and that they aren't discontinuing the hutches.I've been hearing for awhile that they were.

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The houses and furniture kits finally put in an appearance at our Michaels - and almost immediately went on half-price clearance. I don't think I'll be buying any - I bought a lot of them last year, and stashed them. However, if they reduce them to a ridiculous price, I may grudgingly buy a couple to put by. (I don't like the fact that the designs are unauthorized copies of Greenleaf dollhouses.)

The Michaels hutches cost a little more here, but I pick one up every now and again. The pickings have been slimmer and the worse for wear each time I take a look at them. I don't think they've replenished the shelf for a couple of years - I may be the only one buying them! The other day I noticed that they have moved the remaining handful of hutches to the bottom shelf. They are all wonky in one way or another - missing doors, crooked shelves, etc. Oh well, I have quite a few good ones in my box at home, just waiting for my attention!

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  • 2 weeks later...
The landscaping is lovely ... what about adding a dog? (I just think animals add so much to a scene.)

Got my dog today! I really wanted one lying with its head between its hands. I think that's the cutest position. I ended up with a basset hound because it was the only one at the shop lying like that -- the rest were either standing or lying with their heads up.

The tag said it's a basset hound, anyway. Doesn't really look like one to me... seems too small, and also the hair seems too curly. Maybe it's a mutt with some basset blood. :)

Here he is in the yard. (That planter looks huge next to the dog!)

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Great idea, thanks!

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Got my dog today! I really wanted one lying with its head between its hands. I think that's the cutest position. I ended up with a basset hound because it was the only one at the shop lying like that -- the rest were either standing or lying with their heads up.

The tag said it's a basset hound, anyway. Doesn't really look like one to me... seems too small, and also the hair seems too curly. Maybe it's a mutt with some basset blood. :)

Here he is in the yard. (That planter looks huge next to the dog!)

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Great idea, thanks!

Yes you can tell there's basset blood in there somewhere, those ears give it away.

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