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I bought this house from micheals


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Sure does, that's how I ended up with about a dozen Michael's hutches and three pair of navy blue shoes! I'm glad you've still got some puzzle houses. I have one of the porch houses left and hanging onto it until inspiration strikes, or I run out of any other houses to build!

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LOL We hord them now just in case we never see them again. I have to confess I probably hid mine so I would forget and not have to send one to my sister :) Am I bad or what? Its going to take me a while to do my farmhouse but I might need to get side tracked for a while and take a break! :(

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Oh I saw those but told myself I didn't need to get into that too!

Question as usual about glue. What kind of glue would dry clear on the plexi windows of my farm house?

I used tacky glue on the plastic windows of my puzzle house and you can see some of where it got on the plastic no matter how well I thought I cleaned it.

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I worried about that when I built the puzzle houses but ended up just using the tacky glue-but a very fine line applied with a toothpick toward the outside edge of the trim, so if it oozes, it won't ooze over into the exposed 'glass' part. Do the same thing when you glue the frame to the window-just a tiny bit, toward the outside edge. Then make sure you don't let the frame slide around while positioning it, set it straight on, as much as possible.

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  • 4 months later...

Oh My Goodness, Here it is March 2010 and I am just now seeing that you wished me a Happy Birthday!!!! How Super-Sweet of you to notice my name. Bless you!

dee in rainy, sunny, snowy, cold, hot Smyrna near Atlanta

Happy Birthday Dolores! :lol:
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  • 2 months later...

Its Michaels Puzzle house Time again! I bought one that looks a little like the Tennyson to me. Is anyone else working on one of the new designs? There is another one called Fantasy Villa but it looks to be a nightmare to me.

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I got 3 of them. 2 of the simpler one, one of the more involved one. They are harder to assemble than the ones from last year! I have the first 3 floors in and the rooms papered and floored. Now I'm getting ready to try the attic and roof.

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Its Michaels Puzzle house Time again! I bought one that looks a little like the Tennyson to me. Is anyone else working on one of the new designs? There is another one called Fantasy Villa but it looks to be a nightmare to me.

I saw those two new designs too, in addition to the ones they had last year, at our local Michael's. The new designs were about double the price as the old designs, but still very cheap as far as dollhouse kits go. I didn't buy any since I still have one of each from last year in my stack of "someday" kits.

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Thanks for the heads up! I've been looking but they haven't had them. I'll try again.

I think the little Tennyson and the Fantasy Villa are made by a different company?

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I am actually in my Michaels right now (yay for portable internet) and I was wondering where everyong who has been finding the puzzle houses this year has found them in the store? My Michaels has so many sections with both woodcraft items and puzzles that I have no idea where to look! I was told by a clerk that they are scheduled to come out next week but she doesn't know what section yet, and I'd love to expedite my searching process in the future :yes:

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I dropped what I was doing and went right out to Michaels and got two of the houses and one pack of furniture. I found them over where the wood stuff was, not over where the kid's special projects were. They had obviously just arrived since not all of the boxes were unpacked. I was afraid if I waited until after my eye surgery tomorrow and the predicted two weeks of limited activity I would miss out like I did last year.

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If you don't see them out, just ask a clerk. I knew that they were getting them, so I asked a clerk about it. The manager went and got one of each out of a box in the back, for me to see, and I bought one. Next day I went back, still not out-I asked and they got out 2 more for me to buy! There's no 'release' date, just when they have time to unpack, according to my store. I don't know if they have actually put them out in the store yet!

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If you don't see them out, just ask a clerk. I knew that they were getting them, so I asked a clerk about it. The manager went and got one of each out of a box in the back, for me to see, and I bought one. Next day I went back, still not out-I asked and they got out 2 more for me to buy! There's no 'release' date, just when they have time to unpack, according to my store. I don't know if they have actually put them out in the store yet!

How fantastic they were willing to do that for you! My store appears to be doing an awful lot of shifting around right now - I went to get some sculpting clay as well, and they had moved the entire display to the other end of the aisle - so I would imagine they're trying to shift things on a schedule and that particular section is scheduled to be redone next week. I'll definitely be checking back every few days though, it's only about a 5 minute drive, and I've got other shopping to do in the same plaza! :yes:

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I will have to wheedle a ride out to our Michaels, just in case they have them. They said that those puzzle houses wouldn't be stocked this year, as they didn't sell well. (I bought mine on clearance.) I'm hoping they were wrong. Last year's were made by Creatology - is that the brand name of this year's batch?

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I've been looking for a few weeks now. It's past the time last year when they became available. I was worried that maybe they wouldn't stock them again. So I'm glad to hear they're out! I'm going to buy one or two now (assuming my Michael's has them) and then if I hear stories about them going on clearance I might pick up a few more.

What do I need them for? That's a good question. :yes: But they're so cute, it seems like too good a deal to pass up! (And I did really enjoy building the one I bought last year -- a fun, quick project.)

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These are really not like the ones last year, although they do have the one with the little roof over the front door again. These others are not as amenable to bashing. They are Victorian and that's all they're going to be. Very cute, but not a lot you can change.

I started on one for an auction in June. So of course I'm a little rushed. No half scale paper around here so I printed some off, and I don't like printie wallpaper much.

There are some things I really don't like. On the windows, the muntins are so wide and the panes so narrow that they look like the arrow slits on a castle wall. On the next one I will probably cut the muntins out completely. I am going to cut the high threshold out of this one and make new doors. Just little things like that, but if you take the time to do those things, it ought to look cute!

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Sherry or Beverly, is your Michael's selling this one this year? This is the house I want -- I got one last year and then gave it away because I thought I'd never build it. Now I want to make it into a little toy shop.

I went today and saw *one* called Fantasy Dollhouse. It looks similar to the Fantasy Villa I've seen from another company but it did say Creatology. There was only one of them on the shelf, and that was it for houses. It looked a lot more complex than the ones from last year. I didn't buy it. I was going to ask a clerk if there were more houses coming but I couldn't find anyone to ask. My boyfriend was waiting outside with the dog so I didn't want to take too long. I might try again next week.

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