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Bashing suggestions?

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Well, as I have posted elsewhere, my Buttercup and Orchid arrived this afternoon. Much to my husband's chagrin, I have already been looking through the previous posts and pictures to get an idea of how to bash them.

I did see somewhere (can't remember where now :p ) where someone had bashed the Buttercup to move the front door to one side. I am thinking of doing something similar, plus adding a small room onto the other side - not sure about the roof line of the addition, though. I also want to add an addition onto the Orchid.

Can anyone give me suggestions for additions/changes to either of these houses that would still be in keeping with the basic shape of the house and not look like a box stuck to the side of the house? Any suggestions appreciated!

Edit: I found the Buttercup bash again - it was from Becky (Tilly Wants Cake)

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I like waht casey did with her orchird she made it a book shelf, she stacked two together on of one another. Maybe bash the two together they look like they have similar roof lines . . .

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Interesting idea Corwin, thanks.

Actually, I was looking for separate bashing ideas for each house. A friendly old widow wants to live in the Buttercup and a young couple with a baby have requested the Orchid for their new home.

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You have the wall with the bay that could easily be bashed with another extension, the oval window upstairl can be recut for a doorway. That way you'd have room for stairs, if you want them.

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I just tried my first dryfit of the Buttercup the way it is built to go together and I think that I have an idea for bashing it that will work which will give it a bit more space, but still be a sweet little Buttercup. The house has decided that it wants to stay named the Buttercup and be painted a nice yellow like the flower it is named for. How can I do anything but oblige, especially since I really like yellow. Now have to choose a trim colour - pale green like the flower perhaps? Have to think about that one.

Still thing about how to properly add an extension on to the left side (or maybe both sides for symetry) on the Orchid, but that can wait awhile. Don't want to have too many houses on the go at the same time or DH will get frustrated with me.

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  • 3 months later...

If you put an addition on the orchid, will it be one or two story? If you go 2 story, just use the wall for a template. Cut out 2 doorways (upstairs and down) and use that wall for the middle and the wall the house came with for the outside. Then add a new front wall and floors.

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