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really down in the dumps ...


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Hello there,

I'm new to the forum so I don't know the background to your problems but having read your post, they sound like a heavy load to bear. I don't know if this helps or not but reading some of these posts have helped to put my own problems into perspective. This Christmas was one of the worst for me and I was feeling very low myself but having read about others problems, mine don't seem so bad after all. So, I'd just like to thank you for helping me to see things more clearly.

I sincerely hope that there is a similar trigger that helps to lift the black veil for you too. It could be chocolate but more likely to be a chance remark from an unexpected source, a spontaneous hug, a joke (loved the cat pics by the way) or a new day that brings good news when you least expected it - serendipity.

Lots of hugs and warm wishes to you from over here in UK


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Yup, maybe we should all be bears. Even if there is no chocolate involved. Spring is coming. Sounds like this is the place to come for good advice. Seems to help when you have someone to talk to, and this is the place to do that. I pray that you both will be feeling better soon, full of energy and sunshine.

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Bouts of minor depression can really really stink. You have no initiative to do anything. Things you loved to do go by the wayside. The couch and remote become your new best friends.

It is very hard to snap out of it but something will come along and brighten your whole outlook, I swear it. It is when you are dealing with chronic depression ( :crazyeyes: ) that you have to be more vigilant watching your moods. Because they can turn into a big PIA if you do not get right on top of it.

Spring is my favorite time of the year and when you start to notice it (even when it is really cold outside) you will feel the veil of doom and gloom peel away. I think that is why Valentine`s Day is a great day even though it is commercialized. You get the sight and smell of flowers! Even if you just get to enjoy them while walking through the grocery store.

Spring cleaning can also knock you out of the doldrums. Seriously. You start small, like taking down the curtains in one room to clean, and you wash away the dust from the winter...you get geared to do some more. Clean your livingroom or bedroom. Buy a bunch of daisies to put in a vase and tell me the look of that clean room does not make you smile.

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I'm sorry you are feeling so awful. I hate the winter. It's not just the cold, it's the darkness. You wake up and it's dark and by six PM it's dark again. If it's an overcast day on top of it, it just drags you down. I just want to sit on the couch all day and hope for sunshine. I am on an antidepressant, Prozac. It's been around the longest and has few side effects, at least for me. It takes the edge off for sure but deep down I know it doesn't really change anything, just my response to it. It helps me cope. I call it my Scarlett O'Hara pill. This is my first post in awhile because I've been so down. I hope the clouds lift soon for you. :yes:

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I wanted to say that I had started taking a supplement to go with my antidepressant and it has made a world of difference. It is called Deplin. It helps raise your folic acid levels. It is not a medication but more of a vitamin/dietary supplement. It helps when you feel your antidepressant isnt working as it should. I have been taking it for two months.

I started working on the Arthur about a month into taking it. I started reading books again. I have been going out with friends and Fred. Just one lil pill a day added to what I already take and I feel so much better.

I thought I would let some of you who deal with depression know about it. You need a prescription for it. But it is so new that you can samples from your dr. There are no side effects from it and you can stop it anytime without having to titrate down. It is just like taking an over the counter vitamin but it has more to it.

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Unfortunately, Heros also encounter a lot of pain that they are shielding those that they are trying to protect others from.

Selkie and Robin, I hope it comes right for both of you.



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Thank you for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers.

I wish for all of you - the same - love and peace in your hearts - you too Robin.

The idea of heros enduring pain on behalf of those they protect certainly feels true to me.

As has been suggested here, I've decided to pick some spring cleaning/fix-up ideas to see about refreshing my attitude and to try to change the tone of the home. (it's school vacation this week too I might add)

The older gal's bedroom used to be an office and as such doesn't look very girl-ish. So, we went to the store yesterday and she picked out new paint and a border. We have the room torn apart right now and are starting the prepping for the changeover. The kids think we are a TV show without all the many workers.

Hopefully we will all have happier attitudes when we are all done sprucing it up. Either that or my old bones will collapse (hahaha). Who knows how it will come out with three little ones "helping" to paint and all. Hopefully we are not painting the floor and woodwork !!! Of course she'll end up wanting a new bedspread too but I haven't suggested that yet.

Please don't forget us next Monday (court again). More reports still to file (yuck). That hangs like a guillotine over me all the time.

Thanks again and here are <<< HUGS >>> from me to all of you - my dear mini friends and family.

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That's right, just hang in there. You are doing what needs to be done out of love and it is the right thing, even if it is very hard at times. I HAVE to believe that God never gives us more than we can learn to handle, albeit maybe with some help. Otherwise, most of my life or the lives of my children would not make any sense to me. Here's hoping the spring flowers come soon, in the meantime :giggle:

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