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A dollhouse, a cat, and a hubby...


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I feel compelled to share two funny things that happened over the last week. I think they will appeal to dollhouse folk and animal lovers. First, let me set the stage by saying I have a big ol' cat named Murry (aka "Moo"). He's very independent, and my hubby and I joke that he's actually not a cat, he's aloof. Just our freakish humor. Second, I am making this particular dollhouse for my niece.

:D True Story #1) I've got dollhouse stuff strewn everywhere in my front room and have been sanding, gluing, and painting tiny furniture. I've been moving the pieces here and there to try them in different places, matching them with fabrics for the pads and pillows, basically being obsessed. I've been repeatedly commenting on how adorable everything is, telling my DH how adorable the house is and how talented I am for having made it considering I'm so new to this hobby. You know, really humble stuff. This has been going on for several days.

Well I guess Murry, aka Moo, aka Cat-zilla had enough. I went to the other room for a minute and behind me heard a loud "crunch, crunch." What?! I got back to my work area to see Moo draped amidst the furniture.

Eating the bed.

White bed post bits everywhere, happy cat, irritated cat mother. My poor pretty, pretty bed!

So I'll be doing some extra fixing. The bed may end up just a regular bed, not a four poster. A bit shorter, but still cute. We will definitely have to tell my niece how it started out; maybe she will enjoy the fact a kitty helped with her furniture design.

:) True Story #2) (Later this same week...) My DH gets up really early every day because he gets to work by 7. He makes our breakfast and lunch and leaves my oatmeal on the stove and my lunch on the counter for when I get up. I was staying up late the other night and realized after he went to bed that I didn't need any lunch the next day because I had a lunch meeting. I wanted to save him the trouble of preparing a lunch for me if I didn't need one. So I wrote a note to him on my pretty "From the Desk of ..." stationery, something along the lines of "Good morning love bug, I don't need lunch tomorrow because...", and "Have a good day; I love you!" with a heart. In other words, a sweet note. I left it on the counter.

I got up the next morning and true to what I requested, there was no lunch. But my note was turned over and I found DH had left me a note of his own. What did it say?

"There's cat vomit on the floor."

Hope everyone's having a good day.


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"There's cat vomit on the floor."


See, that scenario is reversed in my house. Fred will come home to a paper towel covered goody. I will and have barfed trying to clean up cat/dog vomit.

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My cats tried to eat the posts and railing on the front porch of my Green Acres, and they broke the front door trying to get into the house through the door. I guess mini's are tasty treats for cats. Also they help us make the decision to bash or not. Thanks for the funny stories. What would we do without our furbabies?

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sorry to hear about your poor bed...sill kitty cat!

That's sweet that your DH makes your breakfast and lunch! (even with the note about cat vomit;)

I have one for you--- I was awakened one morning( a few years back) by my husband telling me I needed to get up and take care of the dead baby raccoon...I thought, even in my half awake state that he was crazy..."dead baby raccoon"--are you sure it's not a stuffed animal...he was sure. The dead baby raccoon ended up on my living room floor courtesy of "my" dog ( because I was the one who wanted the dog, it was my job to take care of whatever mess she made--my DH is not a dog person...go figure...he never told me that before we got married,lol. ) Anyway, I had been up half the nite with my sick daughter, and it must have been about 4am that my dog had to go outside....so I let her out, and waited for her to come back up the deck....so I wasn't really paying attention when I opened the door for her to walk in...she must have been carrying the poor baby in her mouth, and I turned out the light before she got to the top of the stairs, and didn't even notice....I'm sure she thought she was being a good dog, bringing me a gift! (there was no blood, the poor thing must have died of fright!)

Can't wait to see pics of your finished bed! :)

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oh, we understand 'cat vomit' alerts VERY well at our house :)

Our Zero has a delicate constitution and 'gifts' us often...usually on the floor in the path to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Love that your sweetie make your breakfast and lunch!!

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What great and funny stories! Yeah, my cats like to chew on house pieces..usually the shingles. They also bite my window blinds. Can't figure that one out.

That is really sweet of your hubby to fix breakfast and lunch for you. I need to have my hubby read your post. Maybe he will get the hint. :)

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ROFL at the cat vomit. my two dear departed pure white pursians used to leave me presents of white vomit quite regularly lol. I never got notes, jsut a nudge in the back, (You have something to clean up in the morning ) lol.

Cheers Debra.

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That was hysterical about the dead baby raccoon! Chattycathy thank you for sharing that one (and sheesh!) Thanks to all who took a moment to read through my long post. Feel free to share your furry baby stories any time. Love them! :p

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That's funny! I got a dh like this once! It had been built for 3 little girls, who fought continually over ownership of the house. They fought till they pulled the roof off, and tore some trim peices off. They were hitting on each other with the trim parts when along came there big old rotty, who thought they were playing fetch. He stole their sticks and ate them. The Daddy was so beside himself over all the fighting to beggin with, that when his prize doggy started spewing up dh parts, he'd had enough, and gave me the house. He did make me promise I didn't have pets or children who may be playing with the house!!! LOL

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I love it when I come home after working all day and hubby, who happens to be off that day, lying on the couch like a side of beef, greets me with "the cat threw up!"

The house is tiled throughout with 12x12 white ceramic tile, except for our bedroom and the oriental carpet in the entrance. So where does the cat throw up? Not on the floor that can be easily cleaned. He heads straight for the carpet, coughing and hacking as he runs as fast as possible. His preferred spot is the fringe of the oriental carpet.

Nine times out of 10 the cat puke is dried, which means it has sat there all day. My husband has passed it several times during the day.


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I think the gene for cleaning up organic wastes from the living quarters is linked to the piece of the X-chromosome that loses one of its tails to become a Y-chromosome...

:blink: Mmmm, you might be right there...


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She's right! DH would do anything for our children, except clean up if they got sick! He even did a dirty diaper (once), it was an emergency and he stuck poor Charleen under the shower. She got clean,but was not impressed by his methods! At 18 months she told me he was "BAD DAD" LOL-Wish I could have been a little bird to see that scene!

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