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What are you thankful for?


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This list is in no particular order:

I am thankful for.....

My family is all healthy and close to me.

My health is relatively on keel.

Turkey dinner!

I helped two families so they could celebrate a bountiful dinner today.

I have a home with heat and electricity.

None of my close neighbors or friends are losing theirs.

Turkey Dinner!

I do not have plans to be a Black Friday Ninja.

My Christmas tree will survive another year.

My friends that are near and far from the greatest place to hang out in my pjs..Greenleaf..

Oh yeah...Turkey Dinner!

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A really good question Heidi!

As for me, that my family and friends are "close" (as around and avaliable through the computer and phone), that my nephew went through surgery and came out feeling so much better yesterday

that we have a home that we feel really fortunate to have,

Hmmm, there are minis and others that loves the same are able to share it,

A great supportive hubby,

the approaching holidays...

And a lot more I suppose I will think of later!


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Thankful for friends and family safe and warm

Decent health at my age

Supportive husband

Creative juices flowing

Able to share with others both figuratively and literally

Freedom provided and protected by our men and women serving abroad.

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that my three sons akll turned out happy & productive citizens

that DH & I have the health to enjoythe things we do and share the love to enjoy doing them together

that we have a roof over our heads, food on our table, and the freedom to come & go as we please

that we have the wonderful friends we've made over the years

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Not very damn much this year. No job, no money, no meds - but I'm grateful for my friends who are trying so hard to lift me out of this depression. I sure can't be making it easy for them, but they keep hanging in there - they're saints, for sure!

Kelly what a beautiful thing that we have friends. Depression is an angry ugly fiend that haunts and sometime overcomes us. But our friends now they can hold out a hand, give a comforting hug, buy us a cup of coffee and suddenly the day is brighter.

Not Saints just friends that care. Something to really be grateful for.

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Even though there have been a few setbacks this year I am thankful to have my Social Security without which I would be SOL. I have food, shelter, hot water, clothing, good health, and Medicare, if I should need it. Some say you can't live on just Social Security but I have a good life, actually far better than 3/4 of this world and I hope I will always be grateful for that. I am also grateful I have been given the gift of Faith, because it always sees me through. :)

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I am very thankful for my family. We have had custody of a little boy for a year and a half now (since he was 3months old), and by Christmas he should be ours for good. We have been in and out of court, not to mention on an emotional roller coaster. It is almost over. I can hardly believe it. My daughter has also been wonderful through all of this. She is wonderful too. My DH and I love both of them very much.

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