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18 hours ago, KathieB said:

Jeremy! <virtual hug!> Thought  about you recently, remembering our stroll through the French Quarter with Lloyd pushing the stroller. :D Keep well!

Kathie!  I hope you're doing well.  We sure do miss the time we got to spend with you and its a shame the kids didn't get a chance to get to know Lloyd better.  They sure did enjoy their time with him, but they were so young back then.  We took my in-laws to the French quarter on their last visit in 2017.  We took them to Acme Oyster House for lunch, but it wasn't the same without you two.

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  • 2 months later...

Jess, we used to live in OH with its "lake effect" snowstorms and billy-be-damned cold, and I made a deal with God that if He got me back to FL I'd never complain how hot it got in summer; that next year we were in Jacksonville and if that makes me a lightweight, so be it!

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I visited FL once...St.Augustine in July. I was not complaining about the heat! Poor hubby was a puddle, but my son and I would love to relocate! I was in my workroom upstairs today. The door had been closed. It was COLD! No heat upstairs, just a vent in the floor. So i too am a lightweight at heart! Lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

We're finally getting back to normal.  About three weeks ago my eldest daughter came down with a sore throat and sniffles.  child #2 and I started showing the same symptoms a few days later.  Turned out that her friends at school who refuse to wear masks had Covid.  All six of us caught it within a week.  Luckily it was only worse than a cold but not quite as bad as the flu, so we're all ok.  The two oldest kids are back at school and the younger two are still in quarantine until Feb. 7.  Luckily we were all vaccinated, but it still fries my bacon that we got sick thanks to the foolish, self-absorbed carelessness of others.

The other fortunate circumstance was that my boss was working out of town.  I had to keep working since I'm the only other employee in the office, but I wasn't exposing anyone else.  I did wipe down everything with alcohol every day and I'm still masking.  She's getting radiation just in case the surgery missed any of her cancer, but she can not afford any risk of exposure.

I had hoped to start a Youtube channel showing the progress and techniques used to repair the Victorian and finish the Tudor before starting my new job, but it didn't work out.  My wife always had honey-dos when the kids weren't home and now I'm only home in the evenings.  I don't have a quiet place to record, so the videos aren't happening. 😕

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13 hours ago, KathieB said:

Wow, Jeremy! So glad you were all vaccinated! Cancer? What did I miss?

After my brother's outcome, I'm sure we wouldn't have had a mild experience if we hadn't been vaccinated.

My boss has cancer.  She was in a car accident last year (rear-ended by a hit & run driver) that required spinal surgery for crushed vertebrae.  While she was recovering from that, an uncomfortable lump on her neck grew and became intolerable.  In true University of Florida fashion, her "doctor" (either an out of practice professor or inexperienced college kid) kept telling her it was nothing and to just take tylenol for it.  After it devoured a salivary gland, she got a second opinion and had it removed.  It was definitely cancer and it looks like they got all of it, but they're doing radiation just in case.  It was while she was recovering from the 2nd surgery that she asked me to apply for a position at her office.  She was the attorney who gave me my first legal assistant position in 2007.  Now I'm her branch office Admin for the financial advising company we work for.

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Well, long time no hear..... I've been checking in randomly and I miss this forum, the dollhouse, and -just about everything - so much...... I can't believe I am admitting this - but my "craft room" is still not quite set up. I got the shelves and the boxes in, but I need to sort through it and throw some stuff out. I did find the box with the repair furniture, and the chandelier (from hell) that I tried to make. I consider that progress.

My work station in the garage is covered of things that escaped from the abyss - I have no clue what they are. *sigh* - this will have to wait, I am going to pretend that it is too cold to clean that up.

Other than that, I've been circling my unfinished houses and I am determined to finish at least one of them this year. Then again, there are all these others. The guilt is almost unbearable. Have y'all ever thought of building all the shells and then line them up and work on all of them at the same time? a little bit here and a little bit there? I mean, who needs a living room, right?

I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing somewhat okay and is standing strong. I hope we all continue that way. Stay well everyone.

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32 minutes ago, Soapz said:

 Have y'all ever thought of building all the shells and then line them up and work on all of them at the same time? a little bit here and a little bit there? I mean, who needs a living room, right?

You may be on to something! I like it. I have some scrap lumber laying on my living room floor right now actually. I'm currently in negotiations with 2 members of my kit stash on who gets to be what so building them both at once might make them see things my way. Probably not. I still like the idea. :clap:

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Hey, Chris, welcome back! I know what you mean about feeling guilty. The Beacon Hill sends me a message every time I pass the open craft room door. I go at it in spurts when the guilt level gets high enough. Although current events have kept us pretty much locked down, I have feelings of floating untethered in space, only locking on to something specific from time to time, doing what I can, and then floating off again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My daughter decided to move to Lithuania, and now the Ukranian crisis is going on. My LG refrigerator's compressor died a couple of weeks ago, and a repair guy is supposed to come and look at it in a couple of weeks to certify that yes, my compressor has joined the thousands of other LG compressors that have given up the ghost. We already paid another repairman out of our own pocket to tell us that, yes, the compressor is no good. We're under an extended warranty from LG, but that's another harrowing story. I've been keeping many of my need to be refrigerated items in the chilly garage, but by March it'll start warming in there a little.

Let's see, the fridge died on a Sunday, then the convection heating element in my stove died on Friday. A guy will be coming to fix it early in March. At least the baking element is still working. It snapped and broke a couple of times before. The guy said he'd never seen one do that in my brand of range. Usually it's very reliable. oh well....My fairly new toaster has been acting funny now and then too. At least the freezer in the basement is working fine. It's a good thing, because in January we really filled that thing up. Once we transferred food from the refrigerator's freezer compartment, everytime I'd open the freezer door something would fall out.

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41 minutes ago, grazhina said:

another harrowing story

I think I've just heard a discouraging word.  :( I'm sensing the beginning of the long-predicted mechanical uprising.  Hang in there, Grazhina! 🤗

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