This is Tobi (also known as Tobi McGuire, Toblerone, Tobi McGobi, Tobster Struedel and most often as "Tobi NO").
Tobi is a 10 month old Tamaskan. Frighteningly, he is going to grow into those ears (which we lovingly refer to as satellite dishes). He's also going to grow into those feet.
From the front door, Tobi lives to run in a giant circle around through the dining room, kitchen, and family room right back into the foyer. Its great exercise for him and really all you have to do is stand in one spot and feign i'm-gonna-get-you in one direction or the other to send him speeding off. This was me catching him on his way back around over the weekend.
As you can see, he's managed to grab a Christmas pillow (the green and white piece of candy by the tv) from the storage room and bring it round to play with.
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