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Aliza helping with the Adams


This is Aliza, a stray who wandered into our backyard to have her kittens... we found homes for her kittens and kept her! She's terrified of strangers, but loves to help with the minis. Usually by stretching out across them and knocking over the lamp... But today she just thrilled the build is done!

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Good Pets Acting Cute!

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Such a sweety...our cats are afraid of strangers too.Don't know why but it makes

a sure bet that they won't run outdoors when the door is open.They are definitley

indoor cats!

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Add me to the list of fans: she is such a lovely little lady! My cats are in-door cats, too, and they definitely don't approve of strangers: when the doorbell rings, they stare at the door and growl (I kid you not!). Liam will stay right there with me when I open the door, as if to protect me. Cats are such loyal, loving little pets . . . I can't imagine my life without them. As much as I love my minis, if I had to choose (thank Heavens I don't!!!), I would have to take my cats over the minis. Besides, how could I ever do my minis without my cats to "help" me by knocking all my supplies in the floor???

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