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Lynette Smith

Netsuke were a functional feature on traditional Japanese clothing. I don't understand the particulars, but the clothing would for some reason have small cords to hold things in place and to prevent the cord from shifting these small ivory carved objects were threaded onto the cord and kept things just right. They have two holes for the cord to pass through.

The fawn was purchased by my mother on a trip to Los Angeles. She was a wood carver and wished to carve some netsuke (modern conventions make it necessary to use bone or tagua nuts). She paid $300 dollars. About 10 years ago the Antique Roadshow came to town, so I took it in to see if she had been had. The experts said that it was the best of the three pieces (I gave the newet and least interesting from a collector's standpoint to my sister). The fawn was made in the 19th century and was worth about $300 dollars, which goes to show that there are honest dealers out there.

The second is a horse. It is a later piece imitating an earlier, more primitve style and worth about $25.

They seem like just the thing that would fit in a dollhouse as stauary!

From the album:

Some of My More Unique Items

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Hi, there! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I especially enjoyed them, as I also collect netsuke. I started collecting it when I became a beadwork artisan. Once in a while, I can bear to put one in a dollhouse, but since they are valuable, I keep most of mine in an enclosed small curio cabinet. I think they are one of the most fascinating artforms.

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My netsuke live in the antique secretary. They haven't been in a house yet, because I haven't had one nice enough. I'm currently working on the Pierce, which I went into with the idea of selling it (I bought it incomplete on Craigs List for $15) but I'm finding so many interesting things for the interior decor that I'm beginning to waffle. I have a small place and just gave my Harrison to my niece for her birthday (ththough I had some interesting ideas like a priesthole under the stairs and other changes, it never really spole to me.) I want to raise funds to build a studio which will be my crafting haven/heaven.

I've considered the McKinley behind glass - that would lend itself to displaying netsuke. I don't have kids (unless you count Princess Caraboo). She'd have lots of fun in an unprotected fully decorated dollhouse! We'll see. It's going to be some time before I have a house far enough along to display them properly. Perhaps a hanging rommbox...


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