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Hi-ho, this is fun! The roof actually FITS!!! without too much whacking with the hammer. The porch roof is shingled and the glue is drying on the front roof. I'm not too sure why the front roof is in two pieces since they fit together so it's logical to glue the seam; hope I won't need to reinforce the seam with a strip of wood since I don't really want to make beamed ceilings upstairs and that's the only way I could make a seam brace work. Not too sure how it's going to look until it's finished...The weather has been really icky and I had to take flash pictures of shingling the porch roof; I hope they turn out, I had some leftover shingles that were a different color from the walnut and it made a pretty effect.This is an adorable little house! and not just because it's so easy to build. Oh, may all the Greenleaf kits be this good! ;) :p As soon as the roof front glue dries I shall take a picture of the inside and put on the roof back and then the front gable. The porch gable looks very nice and I'm anxious to get the rest of the house trim done, most likely tomorrow; depends on how far I get with it tonight.blog-13-1115843717_thumb.jpgcomplements of havanaholly


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