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Having had some time at hands at home with no major renvotions going on, just sort of relaxing and enjoying that so to speak. That has given me the opportunity of mini-ing and since the Adams is the house I have that isn't emptied out and sits on the table (oh well along with the tray of the Buttercup but that is another story LOL)

Christmas was great with lots of minis which allready have made their way into the Adams filling up space and giving it a home and lived in look. We have started talking about the accessories necessary as well ;) there is always something to hunt for right?!?

Going to see what I can make myself, have a few ideas on a few tihngs, others I am going to be lazy and buy I suppose, maybe...

OK, the bathroom, that really sn't a bathroom as it is short of the actaul tub, but...

needs ships, boats and schooners to fill up a shelf along the long side in there, towels and toothbrush and those little things along with some laundry, soap bar, towel rod with towel, purr-haps a sponge as well, hmm think that is about it for now.

Then there are still a few items to go into the kitchen, what is depending on the exterior sink-table I have in mind, will see what I can do there LOL

In the living room area, there are still a few "bits and pieces" that I want to place on the shelf that goes along the gable overt the door that leads to the bathroom, I have my mind set on those lighthouse plates, those would be neat along with a lighthouse or two... Will see if I can hunt some of those down. It also needs some pet food packets, pet food dishes and some curtains as well as the fabric panels I want to use to enclose the little shelf next to the AGA, oh and there needs to be wood basket as well as a coal thingy and a mope or tall brush for the cleaning.

For the upstairs, most of the things are there, have plans for making that short wave radio to go on top of the desk, as well as cutting and rolling those blueprints of lighthouses and ships etc. A wood basket and purr-haps a rug, not sure about the rug thoguh. I warm and cozy blanket in beige, green and brown shades is a must though. There is also this little crawl space up under the attic, I am thinking fishing nets, those netted floating whatever-they-are-called-in-English, cardboard boxes and wooden boxes, oars (I have coffe stirrers to use for that) a coat rack/hangers for the warm coat, a folded knitted sweater, would love one of those beige patterned ones, (one can dream about finding these things right???)

I have a plan otherwise to make something to work otherwise, or for now.

Then we definitley need fishing gears, a creel (is that what it is called?) and I have an idea about how to make that one with scraps of leather and some sort of evenweave fabric. THen I need to make a few fishing reels as well as fishing poles. Have one but it is sort of bulky for the fishing line holders. And it would be soooo neat to have one of those old kind of diving helmets as well... Purr-haps there is some sort of action figure I can steal that from :D

Hmm, I am sure there will be more added to the "Must" list, but that is it for now.


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